Prior to preparing and submitting the site development plan to the Planning Commission, the owner/developer is encouraged to discuss the proposal with the Zoning Inspector and/or Commission on an informal basis. The site development plan shall include the following information:
   (a)    Boundaries of the tract to be developed.
   (b)    Base mapping of the tract showing the physical features, such as topography, drainage ways, water bodies, trees over four inch caliper trunk measured four feet above the ground, and all species native or indigenous to the area.
   (c)    Highways and streets in the vicinity of the tract, and the ingress and egress to the tract.
   (d)   Location and type of units to be developed; location of open space and recreation areas; location of required off-street parking.
   (e)   Proposed density of development.
   (f)    Proposed treatment of existing topography, drainage ways and tree cover.
   (g)    Circulation system, drives, parking, access to development, etc.
   (h)    Plans for the type of buildings, including required garages, to be constructed within the development, including elevations and floor plans.
   (i)    Landscaping plans for the development.
   (j)    Time schedule for the proposed development. (Ord. 1973-44. Passed 12-18-73.)