There is hereby created and established a Park, Recreation and Cemetery Board which shall consist of six (6) members as hereinafter provided. Two (2) members, neither of whom shall be members of Council, shall be appointed by the Manager and four (4) citizens of the Municipality, one (1) of whom may be a member of Council, shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Council. Members of the Park, Recreation and Cemetery Board shall be appointed for a term of five (5) years each and shall continue in office until their successor is appointed. However, the term of a member of Council serving on the Board shall coincide with their term on Council unless removed by a majority vote of Council.
Members shall be appointed by a majority vote of Council for a term of three (3) years with a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms and shall continue in office until a successor is appointed. Persons currently on Boards, Commissions or Committees having served either 2 consecutive terms or a total of 6 consecutive years at the end of their current term are not eligible for reappointment, but may reapply after sitting out one term. Persons currently in office may serve out their existing appointment. Each Board, Commission or Committee may designate one person with exceptional professional qualifications to be exempt from term limits with Council's approval. That exception is non-transferable and will remain with only that person until that person is no longer on that Board or Commission.
(Amended 11-2-99; 11-5-13)
The Park, Recreation and Cemetery Board shall make such recommendations and reports to the Manager, Council, Planning Commission and other officers, departments, divisions and boards and commissions as it deems advisable regarding the acquisition, development, maintenance, repair, and operation of parks, playgrounds, recreational and cemetery facilities and programs of the Municipality. The Board may cooperate with organized groups concerned with recreation programs and may stimulate citizen interest in the care and preservation of parks and historical and scenic sites. The Board may act as trustee for any property, asset, or funds donated to the Municipality for park, recreational or cemetery purposes, provided the donor designates or provides for the designation of the Board as such trustee. In such an event the Board shall have all those powers and duties necessary to carry out the purposes of the trust. The Board may recommend the amount of any fees or charges for the use of park, recreational and cemetery facilities, however, the Council shall fix all such fees or charges. Subject to the provisions of ordinances passed by the Council, the Board shall exercise supervision and control over the planting and care of trees, plants and shrubs in the parks, parkways, recreation grounds, streets, boulevards, sidewalks and cemeteries of the Municipality. The Board shall exercise such additional powers and duties as provided by Council by ordinance. In the exercise of its powers and duties the Board shall request of the Manager such personnel, work, supplies and equipment as it deems necessary, and the Manager, subject to the provisions of this Charter concerning purchasing and personnel, shall provide such personnel, work, supplies and equipment as has been authorized by the Council through appropriation to such Board, and to the extent that such personnel, supplies and equipment shall be available for such purposes, considering the overall needs of the Municipality.
There is hereby created and established a Design Review/Historical Preservation Review Committee, which shall be composed of five (5) members: a member of Council, a resident member of the local Historical Society; and three (3) members representing the public at large. The term of each Council member shall coincide with his or her term of office. Terms of the appointment of other members of the Committee shall be for three (3) years. Council shall also appoint alternates of the same qualifications as the principals to act in the place of the principals in the event any project with which any of the principals are personally or professionally interested comes before the Committee. The Committee shall be authorized to request professional advice whenever deemed necessary by the Committee.
Members shall be appointed by a majority vote of Council for a term of three (3) years with a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms and shall continue in office until a successor is appointed. Persons currently on Boards, Commissions or Committees having served either 2 consecutive terms or a total of 6 consecutive years at the end of their current term are not eligible for reappointment, but may reapply after sitting out one term. Persons currently in office may serve out their existing appointment. Each Board, Commission or Committee may designate one person with exceptional professional qualifications to be exempt from term limits with Council's approval. That exception is non-transferable and will remain with only that person until that person is no longer on that Board or Commission. (Added 11-2-93; 11-5-13)
All meetings of Design Review/Historical Preservation Review Committee shall be public except as may be provided by the laws of the State of Ohio. The Committee shall have the power and the duty to review and approve, disapprove, or approve with conditions, all applications to construct, erect, alter, remove, relocate or demolish any and all structures, buildings, or landmarks within the boundaries of the Design Review/Historical Preservation Review District as established and defined by Council.
In the exercise and fulfillment of these specified powers and duties, the Committee shall protect and preserve the value, appearance and use of property on which buildings are constructed or altered, to maintain a high character of community development, to protect the public health, safety, convenience and welfare and to protect real estate within the Municipality from impairment or destruction of value. Guidelines for the fulfillment of such duties shall be specified with respect to architectural values in architectural criteria as adopted, and as may be amended, by Council. Any provisions of the Codified Ordinances of Canfield relating to the Design Review/Historical Review Committee existing pursuant to such ordinances at the time of adoption of this section shall continue in effect and shall be applicable to the Committee established by this section unless and until modified or repealed by Council. The Committee shall also have such other powers and duties as are now or may hereafter be conferred upon it by the laws of Ohio or by ordinance of Council.