(A) Definition. For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
PANHANDLE. To approach strangers and beg for money or food.
(B) Panhandling on public property. No person shall panhandle upon the public streets or at the intersection of public streets in the city without the express written permission of the city.
(C) Panhandling on private property. No person shall panhandle upon any private property in the city unless said person is the owner of the private property or unless said person has the written permission of the owner of the private property.
(Ord. 13-09, passed 11-4-2013) Penalty, see § 115.99
Any person who violates any provision of § 115.01 shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $100 or be imprisoned for not less than ten days nor more than 30 days or both for each offense.
(Ord. 13-09, passed 11-4-2013)