The following rules of order shall govern the procedure of the City Council and the conduct of its members:
Rule 1.  Place.
All regular and special meetings of Council shall be held in the Council Chambers in City Hall, unless otherwise ordered by Council.
Rule 2.  Regular Meetings.
The regular meetings of Council shall be held on the First, Second and Third Wednesdays of January and on the First, Third and Fourth Wednesdays of March and on the First and Third Wednesdays of each month at 7:30 P.M., but, if no quorum is present, or if a regular meeting falls upon a legal holiday, then such meeting shall be held at the same time the following Wednesday; but the Council may adjourn any Regular Meeting to meet on any week day prior to the next following Regular Meeting. No Regular Meeting shall be held during the months of July and August.
Rule 3.  Special Meetings.
Special Meetings may be called by the Mayor or any three members of Council upon written notice to each member of Council served personally upon each member or left at his usual place of abode, stating the time, place and object of the meeting at least 24 hours in advance of such meeting.
As per Section 2.06 of the Charter, such notice shall state the subject or subjects to be considered at the meeting and no other subject shall there be considered. A Notice of Special Meeting cannot be amended on the Council Floor.
Rule 4.  Committee Meetings.
Meetings of standing and special committees shall be held subject to the calls of their respective chairman. As per Section 2.06 of the Charter, committee meetings are also open to the public.
Rule 5.  Quorum.
A majority of all members elected to Council shall constitute a quorum to transact business, but a lesser number may adjourn by majority vote from day to day, except Sundays or legal holidays, and compel attendance of absent members in such manner and under such penalties as may be prescribed by ordinance or resolution.
Rule 6.  Order of Business.
The business of all Regular Meetings of the Council shall be transacted in the following order unless Council shall, by a two-thirds vote, suspend the rules and change the order, and such suspension shall be taken by yeas and nays and entered on the Journal:
   (1)   Roll Call of members.
   (2)   Reading and disposal of Minutes of the preceding meeting or meetings.
   (3)   Committee Reports.
   (4)   Communications.
   (5)   Third Reading of Ordinances and Resolutions.
   (6)   Second Reading of Ordinances and Resolutions.
   (7)   Introduction of Ordinances and Resolutions.
   (8)   Miscellaneous Business.
   (9)   Public's Comments and adjournment.
The presiding officer may, at any time, by a two-thirds vote of all members elected, permit a member to introduce any ordinance, resolution or motion out of the regular order.
Rule 7.  The Presiding Officer.
The Council President, or in his absence, the President Pro-Tem, shall preside at all meetings of Council. The President Pro-Tem shall be elected by a majority vote of Council at its reorganizational meeting. The Council President, by virtue of holding such office, shall not be deprived of his power or rights nor be relieved of any of his duties or obligations as a voting member of Council and shall discharge all the duties and be clothed with the powers of the Council President as such presiding officer during his absence.
Rule 8.  Clerk of Council.
The Council shall appoint its Clerk of Council by a majority vote of all members elected to Council and fix the salary of said Clerk of Council. The Clerk of Council shall perform such duties as required by Section 2.03 of the Charter and all duties required of the Clerk of Council by the Constitution of the State of Ohio and the Revised Code of the State of Ohio.
Rule 9.  Honorary Sergeant at Arms.
The Council may appoint a Sergeant at Arms, who, under the direction of the Presiding Officer, shall preserve order in the Council Chamber. The Sergeant at Arms shall be appointed by a majority vote of all members of Council elected thereto and fix the salary thereof.
Rule 10.  Attendance.
The members of Council shall be prompt in attendance at the hour for Council to convene, and shall remain during the sitting unless excused by the Council President or a majority of the members present.
Rule 11.  Duty to Vote.
Every member present shall vote on all questions upon the call of the yeas and nays, unless excused by a unanimous vote of Council. Any member present, unless so excused, who refuses to vote upon any question relating to the city government, when the yeas and nays are called and being taken shall be guilty of contempt of the Council, and may, for such contempt, be censured by a majority vote of the Council or may be expelled from the Council by a vote of two-thirds of all members elected to Council.
Rule 12.  Yeas and Nays.
On the passage of every ordinance or resolution the votes shall be taken by yeas and nays and entered in full upon the records .  On any other question the yeas and nays shall be taken and entered upon the records upon the request of any member and seconded by any other member. Upon the call of yeas and nays, the Clerk shall call the names of the Council President, followed by the names of the members of the First, Second, Third and Fourth Wards in the order named.
Rule 13.  Decorum of Members.
When any member is about to address the Council, he shall respectively address himself to the presiding officer, and when recognized by the Chair, shall confine himself to the question under debate, avoid personalities and refrain from impugning the motives of any other member's remarks or vote. No member shall have the floor on the same debate or motion more than five minutes the first time, nor more than three minutes the second time without permission of Council, and while speaking no member or other official shall pass before the speaker or otherwise interrupt him, except to call him to order. No member shall be allowed to speak more than once on the same motion or subject until every other member desiring to speak upon the same shall have had an opportunity to do so.
Rule 14.  Members Called to Order.
If any member. in speaking or otherwise, shall violate or transgress the rules of the Council, the Council President or any member shall call him to order whereupon he shall take his seat unless permitted by the Council President to explain. The point of order shall be decided by the Council President without debate but shall be subject to appeal to Council by any two members and if made the decision of the Council is in favor of the member, he shall be at liberty to proceed with his speech.
Rule 15.  Division of Question.
Any member shall or may call for a division of a question or the President may direct the same, and the same, in either case shall be divided if it comprehends questions so distinct that once, being taken away from the other, the other will stand an entire question for a decision.
Rule 16.  Personal Privilege.
Any member may rise to explain a matter personal to himself, and on stating that it is a matter of personal privilege, shall be recognized by the Presiding Officer, but shall not discuss a question or issue in such explanation. Such explanation shall not consume more than five minutes of time unless extended by consent of the Council. Matters of personal privilege shall yield only to a motion to recess or adjourn.
Rule 17.  The Clerk’s Desk.
No person, other than the Clerk of Council, shall be permitted at the Clerk's desk while the yeas and nays are being taken.
Rule 18.  Reports of Committees.
All reports of the Damage and Claims Committee shall be in writing and signed by all members concurring in such report. Reports of other committees shall be made in writing within 3 regular meetings when demanded by Council, and signed by the members concurring in such reports; and every motion or proposition, except privileged questions, shall be reduced in writing before action is taken thereon, when required by any member.
Rule 19.  Members Not Required to Remain.
No member shall be required to remain in the Council Chamber unless there is a quorum promptly at the appointed hour.
Rule 20.  Committees of Council.
   (1)   The standing committees of Council shall be:
      Finance & Legislative
      Rules & Regulations
      General Improvement & Environmental Protection
      Damages & Claims, Public Safety & Welfare
      Parks & Public Buildings
      Public Safety
      Public Utility, Public Water Works
      Mini Bus
      Annexation, Zoning & Planning
      Collective Bargaining.
   (2)   It shall be the duty of the Council President, unless otherwise ordered by the Council, to appoint all committees and the first named member of any committee shall be the chairman of the committee, and it shall be the duty of the Council President to appoint the standing committee at the first meeting in January next succeeding his election, and said committees shall consist of three members who shall serve for a term of one year unless excused by the Council.
   (3)   The subject matter which shall be referred to the standing committees shall be as follows:
      A.    COMMITTEE ON FINANCE & LEGISLATION, to which shall be referred all ordinances, resolutions and other matters relating to the finances, indebtedness, appropriations, the payment of monies not provided for by previous legislation, taxation, and all matters pertaining to the department finances, the standardization of salaries and wages, civil service pensioning of employees, the sale or purchase of real estate and all ordinances, resolutions and other matters pertaining to county, state, and federal legislation affecting city annexation, redistricting, and all initiative and referendum petitions, all matters relating to courts, ordinances relating to license, and those imposing fines, penalties, or forfeitures, printing and advertising.
      B.    RULES & REGULATIONS, to which shall be referred all rules and regulations, questions, changes, and amendments proposed.
      C.    GENERAL IMPROVEMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, to which shall be referred all ordinances, resolutions and other matters pertaining to street and sewer improvements, pipelines, street cleaning, waste collection and disposal; matters pertaining to streets and taxes and assessments relating to sidewalks and street improvements and all matters pertaining to air pollution problems for the welfare and safety of the inhabitants of the City of Campbell.
      D.    DAMAGES & CLAIMS, PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE, VETERANS REFERENCE, to which shall be referred all damage and other claims against the city and all matters pertaining to the public health and welfare and the welfare of Veterans of all U. S. wars.
      E.    COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY, to which shall be referred all ordinances and resolutions pertaining to police and fire protection, traffic regulations, smoke abatement, nuisance ordinances, concessions on public streets, inspections of public buildings, and all matters relating to the enforcement of the building code, to housing, slum clearance and zoning.
      F.    COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC PARKS & BUILDINGS, to which shall be referred all ordinances, resolutions and other matters pertaining to public parks, playgrounds, public recreation, and to all public grounds and buildings owned, leased or operated by the City.
      G.    PUBLIC UTILITY & WATER WORKS, to which shall be referred all ordinances, resolutions, and other matters relating to the City's water supply, sewage disposal, the water works and the distribution of water, and all matters relating to the Department of Public Utilities and existing or proposed franchises.
      H.    COMMITTEE ON ZONING, PLANNING & ANNEXATION, to which shall be referred all matters pertaining to Zoning, Planning, and annexation in the City of Campbell, Ohio.
      I.   MINI BUS COMMITTEE, to which shall be referred all matters pertaining to the operation of the mini bus.
      J.    COMMITTEE ON COLLECTIVE BARGAINING, to which shall be referred all matters pertaining to the collective bargaining process as it is practiced in the City of Campbell. The members will participate as a group or as individuals in negotiations as observers and shall make regular progress reports to the rest of the Council body.
Rule 21.  Motions.
When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be deemed to be in possession of Council and shall be stated by the presiding officer before any debate thereon shall be in order. Every such motion and all amendments thereto, if any, may be withdrawn by the movers thereof before debate and at any time before decision thereof, if the majority of the members shall agree.
Rule 22.  Questions.
Upon all questions other than the passage or adoption of an ordinance, a viva voce vote shall be sufficient unless the yeas and nays have been demanded; and the Clerk shall enter upon the Journal the yeas and nays upon the passage or adoption of all ordinances and resolutions, except in cases where the rule is made otherwise by the municipal code, and except upon a demand for the previous question. A majority of the quorum present shall be sufficient to decide all questions except where the general code requires or may require a greater number.
The form of all motions shall be "I move that" followed by the substance of the motion. When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be stated by the presiding officer before any debate shall be in order thereon. The Chair shall, after each vote, declare the result and state the effect thereof.
Rule 23.  Motions During Debate.
When a question or proposition is before the Council or under debate, no motion shall be received except the following:
   (1)   To adjourn
   (2)   To lay on the table.
   (3)   For the previous question.
   (4)   To postpone indefinitely;
which several motions shall have precedence in the order named.  The motion to adjourn will always be in order, unless the Council is engaged in voting, and the motion to adjourn, or to lay on the table, or for the previous question shall be decided without debate.
Rule 24.  Previous Question.
When the previous question shall be moved and seconded, it shall be put in these words, Shall the main question be now put? And until decided shall preclude all further amendments of the main question, and all further debate thereon, but shall not preclude pending amendments from being put  in their proper order before the main question. Should the previous question be decided in the negative, the main question remains before Council.
Rule 26.  Reading Requirements.
Every resolution, except those of strictly ceremonial nature, or those authorizing the expenditure or transfer of funds that have been specifically appropriated, and every ordinance shall be fully and distinctly read at three different regular meetings of Council. Ordinances and resolutions shall be deemed to have been read if a written or printed copy of the ordinance or resolution shall have been furnished to each member of council prior to its introduction and if the title thereof is fully read, provided that such ordinance or resolution shall be read in full if so desired by motioned approved by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the members of Council.
Rule 27.  Legislation Filed.
All legislation shall be filed with the Clerk of Council by 12 o'clock noon the Monday preceding the day upon which the regular meeting is held.
No legislation shall be taken from the Clerk of Council after 4:30 p.m. of the day upon which the Council meeting is held.
Rule 28.  Amendments (Ordinances & Resolutions).
No resolution or ordinance shall be revised or amended unless the resolution or ordinance superseding it contains the entire resolution or ordinance so revised or amended, or the section or sections so revised or amended, and having been revised or amended, the original resolution or ordinance, or section or sections, shall be considered to be repealed.
It shall always be in order to amend an ordinance or resolution but only one amendment to an amendment shall be allowed; and if amended upon the second reading it shall again be read as of second reading and laid over for final action.
Rule 29.  Legislative Procedure.
The legislative action of the Council shall be by ordinance or resolution, introduced in written or printed form, each of which shall contain no more than one subject, which subject shall be clearly expressed in its title. Ordinances involving general appropriation, however, may contain the various subjects and accounts for which moneys are to be appropriated. Every ordinance or resolution introduced in the Council shall bear and name or names of the person or persons sponsoring said ordinance or resolution appended thereto. An affirmative vote of at least three (3) members of Council shall be required for the enactment of every ordinance or resolution, unless a larger number be required by the provisions of the Charter. On the passage of each ordinance or resolution the voting shall be by roll call and the vote of each member shall be recorded in the Journal.
Rule 30.  Emergency Ordinances.
When necessary, for the preservation of the public peace, health, welfare or safety, the Council, by an affirmative vote of at least four (4) of the members elected thereto, may adopt an emergency ordinance which shall be set forth and define the specific facts necessitating the emergency. Such emergency ordinances shall require no public hearing and shall take effect at the time indicated therein. Emergency ordinances shall be published as other ordinances after passage (further refer to section 2.16 of the Charter).
Rule 31.  Authentication of Ordinances & Resolution.
Each ordinance or resolution shall be authenticated by the signature of the Council President or other presiding officer, and the Clerk of Council. The failure or refusal of such officers to sign such ordinances or resolutions shall not invalidate an otherwise properly enacted ordinance or resolution.
Rule 32.  Effective Date of Ordinances.
Each resolution or ordinance providing for the appropriation of money, or for the annual tax levy, or for improvements petitioned for by the owners of a majority of the adjacent property to be benefited and specially assessed therefore, and any emergency resolution or ordinance necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, welfare or safety, shall take effect, unless a later date be specified therein, upon its approval by the Mayor, or upon the expiration of the time within which it may be vetoed by the Mayor, or upon its passage after veto by the Mayor, as the case may be.
No other resolution or ordinance shall become effective until thirty (30) days after its approval by the Mayor, or upon the expiration of the time within which it may be vetoed by the Mayor, or upon its passage after veto by the Mayor, as the case may be.
Rule 33.  Appropriation Ordinances.
No money shall be appropriated except by Ordinance. All Ordinances for the appropriation of money, the issuance of bonds, the transfer of money from one code to another, the payment of claims, and all ordinances and resolutions whereby the City shall become liable for the payment of any money shall receive the approval of the Finance Committee before its passage, and if presented without such approval, shall be referred without debate to the finance committee for consideration and report; unless this rule is temporarily suspended by the concurrence of a majority of all members elected, and the vote on such suspension shall be taken by yeas and nays and entered on the Journal.
Rule 34.  Attendance Required.
The Mayor, appointed officials and directors of all departments of the City shall be required to attend all regular meetings of the Council and shall be provided with seats on the floor of the Council. They shall be required to answer such questions relating to the affairs of the City under their respective supervision and control as may be put to them by any member of Council. The Mayor shall be entitled to take part in the discussion on all questions before Council. The directors of the various departments shall be entitled to take part in the discussion on all questions relating to their respective departments.
Rule 35.  Privilege of the Floor.
No persons, except members of Council, City officers, reporters for newspapers, radio and television; and persons invited by the Council President or members of Council shall be admitted within the bar and the Sgt. at Arms shall cause this rule to be rigidly enforced.
Rule 36.  Privilege to Speak.
All meetings of Council, whether regular or special, or of its committees shall be open to the public at all times, and any citizen shall have access to the minutes and records thereof at all reasonable hours. In adopting its own rules and regulations, Council shall provide for a minimum of fifteen (15) minutes before adjournment wherein any group or persons attending any regular or special meeting shall be permitted to speak on any matter, past or current, pertinent to municipal affairs. The Council President may limit any speaker to a five minute time period.
Rule 37.  Communications.
All communications must be presented to the Clerk of Council by 12 o'clock noon, the Monday preceding the day upon which the regular meeting is held.
Rule 38.  Suspensions.
These rules, or any of them may be temporarily suspended at any regular meeting of the Council by a concurrent vote of two-thirds of all members elected. The vote on such suspension shall be taken by yeas and nays and entered on the Journal.
Rule 39.  Amending Rules, New Rules.
These rules may be amended or altered, or new rules may be adopted at any regular meeting of
Council, on a report of the proper committee to which the subject had been previously referred to, by a vote of a majority of all members elected to Council.
Rule 40.  Absence of Rules.
In the absence of any rule upon any matter of business, this Council shall be governed by the Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised Edition, and it shall be the duty of the Presiding Officer to adhere to and enforce such rules together with the rules herein set forth.
Rule 41.  Tape Recording and Video-Taping of Caucus Meetings Prohibited.
No person, news media, etc. shall take record or video tape the proceeding of the Council caucus meetings.