(A) General Provisions.
(1) The location and angle of an approach in relation to an adjacent highway intersection shall be such that a vehicle entering or leaving the site may turn out of or into the nearest lane of traffic moving in the desired direction and be channeled within this lane before entering the intersection or proceeding along the highway.
(2) Where the approach radius of an approach controls the turning radius of a vehicle entering the service station by a right turn from the adjacent outside traffic lane of the roadway, the radius of that edge shall be as long as practical to provide a free and safe movement.
(3) Where public alleys adjoin the service station property, approaches may begin at the far side of the alley, and if so used, the width of the alley shall be included, as part of the approach opening.
(4) Approaches constructed on public property or right of way shall be comparable to abutting pavement, excepting minor, low traffic volume roads having low-type pavement where an approach of an all-weather stabilized material may be constructed.
(5) Where curbing exists along the edge of the through pavement, the edges of the approach shall be delineated by a similar curb through the arc of the radius. Curbing along the entire approach, and islands, may be installed at the option of the permit applicant.
(6) Where curbing does not exist along the through pavement, the approaches and islands may be curbed at the option of the permit applicant.
Curbed approaches may be used where the smallest permissible approach radii are required to utilize a small highway frontage.
(7) When curbing does not exist at the edge of pavement and curbs are not installed along the edges of the approach, the City Engineer may request guard posts, within the highway right of way, to delineate the approaches.
(8) To discourage improper use of the intermediate island between dual approaches, the island shall be seeded or sodded except for a four-foot wide berm of stabilized material adjacent to the highway pavement.
(9) No lights, signs or other advertising devices shall be permitted on or to overhang the highway right of way.
(B) Design Criteria.
(1) The interior angle between the axes of dual approaches and the centerline of the roadway shall fall between forty-five degrees and ninety degrees. This interior angle shall fall between seventy degrees and ninety degrees for single approaches designed for two-way operation.
(2) The width of all approaches shall not be greater than 35 feet in the throat of the approach measured at right angles to the axis of the approach.
(3) Approach radii on uncurbed highways shall be as follows:
(a) Turning radii 15 feet minimum, 25 to 50 feet desirable.
(b) Nonturning radii 5 feet minimum, 10 feet maximum.
(4) Approach radii on curbed highways shall be as follows:
(a) Turning radii 3 feet minimum, 15 to 25 feet desirable.
(b) Nonturning radii 3 feet minimum, 5 feet maximum.
(5) The intermediate island edge of an uncurbed approach and the edge of the service station frontage at the right-of-way line may be connected by a small rounding, if desired by the permit applicant. Such rounding shall be greater than a 15-foot radius and may be used only where a tangent section of approach edge will remain between the approach radius and the permissible rounding.
(Ord. 116-87, passed 12-28-87)