(A)   Grades. Driveway approaches on uncurbed highways shall slope down and away from the through pavement edge at the same rate of slope as the highway shoulder slope and shall be so constructed that no surface water will be drained onto the highway pavement.
   (B)   Widths. Driveway widths shall be measured perpendicular to the driveway centerline and shall not normally exceed a width of 35 feet. A width greater than 35 feet may be permitted for driveways having traffic volumes which exceed the capacity of a 35 foot driveway width.
   (C)   Intersection Angle.
      (1)   70° to 90° - Single driveway (Two-way traffic).
      (2)   45° to 90° - Dual driveways.
   (D)   Radii (Type 1 Drive - Standard Drawing BP-6). Radii shall not be less than:
      (1)   Fifteen feet when the through highway is curbed.
      (2)   Twenty-five feet when the through highway is uncurbed.
   (E)   Curbing.
      (1)   Driveways abutting curbed highways may be curbed. The highway curb shall be depressed to a two-inch height across the driveway opening.
      (2)   Driveways abutting uncurbed highways may be curbed; however, the curb shall not extend closer to the through pavement edge than eight feet.
(Ord. 116-87, passed 12-28-87)