(A)   The position of Service Director and Safety Director is hereby split and shall now be known as Service Director; Safety Director.
   (B)   The duties of the Safety Director and the Service Director shall be as described in R.C. §§ 735.02 and 737.02.
(`63 Code, § 139.01) (Ord. 3-76, passed 1-5-76; Am. Ord. 11-14, passed 2-24-14)
Statutory reference:
   Appointment, see R.C. §§ 735.01 and 737.01
   As head of Police and Fire Departments, see R.C. § 737.02
   Director to attend Council meetings, see R.C. § 733.06
   General duties and records, see R.C. §§ 735.02 and 737.02
   Management and control of cemeteries, see R.C. § 759.09
   Management and control of sewerage system, see R.C. § 729.50
   Management and control of water works, see R.C. § 743.02
   Merger of Safety and Service Departments, see R.C. § 733.03
   Public building supervision, see R.C. §§ 735.10 et seq.