(A)   Purpose. The intent of the LI Zoning District is to provide areas for limited industrial purposes which are not significantly objectionable in terms of noise, odor, fumes and the like to surrounding properties. The regulations which apply within this district are designed to encourage the formation and continuance of a comparable environment for use generally classified to be limited industrial in nature; protect and reserve undeveloped areas in the county which are suitable for the industries; and discourage encroachment by those residential, commercial or other uses capable of adversely affecting the basic industrial character of the district.
   (B)   Permitted uses. The following uses shall be permitted in any LI Zoning District:
      (1)   Research or experimental laboratories;
      (2)   Transportation terminal facility, including airfields together with incidental operations;
      (3)   Public building, facility or land other than a school, playground, hospital, clinic, care home or cultural facility;
      (4)   Public utility installation;
      (5)   Agricultural farm;
      (6)   Horticultural nursery;
      (7)   Radio and/or television station and/or transmission tower;
      (8)   Office building and/or offices for governmental, business, professional or general purposes;
      (9)   Commercial trade or vocational school; and
      (10)   Off-street commercial parking lot or garage, as well as off-street parking or storage area for customer, client or employee-owned vehicles.
   (C)   Conditional uses. The following uses shall be permitted on a conditional basis in any LI Zoning District, subject to the conditions set forth in § 151.164:
      (1)   Any industrial use, plus operations incidental to the use, which involves manufacturing, processing, assembly, storage operations; provided, the manufacturing, processing, assembly or storage and, in no way, involves any junk or salvage operations; provided that, there is no open storage of junk or salvage materials; and, provided that, any noise, vibration, smoke, gas, fume, odor, dust, fire hazard, dangerous radiation or other injurious or obnoxious conditions related to the operation are not sufficient to create a nuisance beyond the premises;
      (2)   Warehouse or other storage facility; provided that, there is no open storage of junk or salvage materials of any type in conjunction with the operation;
      (3)   Wholesale business outlet; provided that, there is no open storage of junk or salvage materials of any type in conjunction with the operation;
      (4)   Automobile service station or truck stop; provided that, all pumps are set back at least 25 feet from the right-of-way line of any street; and, provided that, there is no open storage of any type in conjunction with the operation;
      (5)   Animal hospital and/or boarding facility; provided, all boarding arrangements are maintained within a building and no noise connected with the operation of the facility is discernible beyond the premises;
      (6)   Retail business; provided, the business is incidental to a permitted use; is located on the same premises as a permitted use; and involves no open storage of junk or salvage materials of any type in conjunction with the operation;
      (7)   Truck terminal; provided that, paved acceleration and deceleration lanes at least ten feet in width and 100 feet in length, respectively, are furnished and maintained where trucks enter or leave terminal sites located adjacent to major streets; provided no safety hazards or impediment to traffic movement is produced on any access road; and provided no open storage of any type is conducted in connection with the operation;
      (8)   Watchpersons or caretaker’s one-family or two-family dwelling; provided that, a dwelling is located on the premises of a permitted use; and, provided, the head of the household is employed by the industry as a watchperson or caretaker;
      (9)   Dwelling incidental to a permitted agricultural or horticultural use; provided that, the related dwellings are occupied only by persons employed directly on the premises;
      (10)   Garage or shop for the repair and servicing of motor vehicles, equipment or machine parts; provided that, there is no open storage of junk or salvage materials of any type in conjunction with the operation; and, provided, no objectionable sound, vibration, heat, glare or electrical disturbance is created which is perceptible beyond the premises; and
      (11)   Temporary use in compliance with the provisions of § 151.164.
   (D)   Other requirements. Unless relief is granted elsewhere in this chapter, uses permitted in the LI Limited Industrial Zoning Districts shall be required to conform to the following standards:
      (1)   Minimum lot area: one acre;
      (2)   Minimum lot width measured at the building line: 100 feet;
      (3)   Minimum front yard depth measured from the nearest abutting street right-of-way: 100 feet;
      (4)   Minimum side yard: no less than 50 feet on each side, except that when the property abuts another zoning district, at least 100 feet on that particular side shall be required. Where the district abuts any Residential Zoning District not separated by a right-of-way, a suitable planting screen, fence or wall of at least six feet in height above finish grade will be required. For rear yard requirements pertaining to double frontage lots, see § 151.124;
      (5)   Maximum building height: 60 feet. For exceptions to height regulations, see § 151.141;
      (6)   Additional requirements: uses permitted in LI Zoning Districts, shall meet all standards set forth in §§ 151.120 through 151.145, pertaining to off-street parking, loading and other requirements;
      (7)   Aesthetics: uses permitted in LI Zoning Districts, including the conditions under which they may be located must conform to standards set forth in §§ 151.075, 151.076 and 151.090 through 151.107; and
      (8)   Nuisance: no use shall be allowed in a BI Zoning District that would constitute a nuisance to neighboring land uses because of noise, glare, fire, odor, sound, vibrations or excess and unsafe traffic. Standards for these uses are included in Appendix A.
(Ord. 97-04, passed 12-19-1996)