(a) No person shall, while communicating with any other person over a telephone, threaten to do bodily harm or use or address to such other person any words or language of a lewd, lascivious or indecent character, nature or connotation for the sole purpose of annoying such other person, nor shall any person telephone any other person repeatedly or cause any person to be telephoned repeatedly for the sole purpose of harassing or molesting such other person or his or her family.
(ORC 4931.31)
(b) No person shall knowingly make or cause to be made a telecommunication, or knowingly permit a telecommunication to be made from a telecommunications device under the person's control, to another, if the caller does any of the following:
(1) Fails to identify the caller to the recipient of the telecommunication and makes the telecommunication with purpose to harass or abuse any person at the premises to which the telecommunication is made, whether or not actual communication takes place between the caller and a recipient;
(2) Describes, suggests, requests or proposes that the caller, the recipient of the telecommunication or any other person engage in sexual activity and the recipient or another person at the premises to which the telecommunication is made, has requested, in a previous telecommunication or in the immediate telecommunication, that the caller not make a telecommunication to the recipient or to the premises to which the telecommunication is made;
(3) During the telecommunication, violates Section 636.04;
(4) Knowingly states to the recipient of the telecommunication that the caller intends to cause damage to or destroy public or private property, and the recipient, any member of the recipient's family, or any other person who resides at the premises to which the telecommunication is made, owns, leases, resides or works in, will at the time of the destruction or damaging be near or in, has the responsibility of protecting, or insures, the property that will be destroyed or damaged;
(5) Knowingly makes the telecommunication to the recipient of the telecommunication, to another person at the premises to which the telecommunication is made, or to those premises, and the recipient or another person at those premises previously has told the caller not to make a telecommunication to those premises or to any persons at those premises.
(c) No person shall make or cause to be made a telecommunication, or permit a telecommunication to be made from a telecommunications device under the person's control, with purpose to abuse, threaten or harass another person. (ORC 2917.21)
(d) Any use, communication or act prohibited by this section may be deemed to have occurred or to have been committed at either the place at which the telephone call was made or was received. (ORC 4931.31)
(e) As used in this section:
(1) “Economic harm” means all direct, incidental and consequential pecuniary harm suffered by a victim as a result of criminal conduct. “Economic harm” includes, but is not limited to, all of the following:
A. All wages, salaries or other compensation lost as a result of the criminal conduct;
B. The cost of all wages, salaries or other compensation paid to employees for time those employees are prevented from working as a result of the criminal conduct;
C. The overhead costs incurred for the time that a business is shut down as a result of the criminal conduct; and
D. The loss of value to tangible or intangible property that was damaged as a result of the criminal conduct.
(2) “Caller” means the person described in subsection (b) hereof who makes or causes to be made a telecommunication or who permits a telecommunication to be made from a telecommunications device under that person's control.
(3) “Telecommunication” and “telecommunications device” have the same meanings as in Section 642.01.
(4) “Sexual activity” has the same meaning as in Section 666.01.
(f) Nothing in this section prohibits a person from making a telecommunication to a debtor that is in compliance with the “Fair Debt Collection Practices Act,” 91 Stat. 874 (1977), 15 U.S.C. 1692, as amended, or the “Telephone Consumer Protection Act,” 105 Stat. 2395 (1991), 47 U.S.C. 227, as amended.
(g) Whoever violates any of the provisions of subsection (a) hereof is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree and shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 698.02.
Whoever violates any of the provisions of paragraph (b)(1), (2), (3) or (5) hereof or subsection (c) hereof is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 698.02, provided the offender has not previously been convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of paragraph (b)(1), (2), (3) or (5) hereof or subsection (c) hereof or of Ohio R.C. 2917.21(A)(1), (2), (3) or (5) or (B).
Whoever violates paragraph (b)(4) hereof is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 698.02, provided the offender has not previously been convicted of a violation of paragraph (b)(4) hereof or Ohio R.C. 2917.21(A)(4) and provided the violation does not result in economic harm of five hundred dollars ($500.00) or more. (ORC 2917.21, 4931.99(B))
(a) No person shall do either of the following, knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that any person may suffer physical harm or be seriously inconvenienced or annoyed thereby:
(1) Place a pin, needle, razor blade, glass, laxative, drug of abuse or other harmful or hazardous object or substance in any food or confection;
(2) Furnish to any person any food or confection which has been adulterated in violation of paragraph (a)(1) hereof. (ORC 3716.11)
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 698.02.
(ORC 3716.99(C))
(a) Prohibited Conduct.
(1) No person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to a family or household member.
(2) No person shall recklessly cause serious physical harm to a family or household member.
(3) No person, by threat of force, shall knowingly cause a family or household member to believe that the offender will cause imminent physical harm to the family or household member.
(4) As used in this section:
A. “Family or household member” means any of the following:
1. Any of the following who is residing or has resided with the offender:
a. A spouse, a person living as a spouse, or a former spouse, of the offender;
b. A parent or a child of the offender, or another person related by consanguinity or affinity to the offender;
c. A parent or a child of a spouse, person living as a spouse, or former spouse of the offender, or another person related by consanguinity or affinity to a spouse, person living as a spouse, or former spouse of the offender.
2. The natural parent of any child of whom the offender is the other natural parent or is the putative other natural parent.
B. “Person living as a spouse” means a person who is living or has lived with the offender in a common law marital relationship, who otherwise is cohabiting with the offender, or who otherwise has cohabited with the offender within five years prior to the date of the alleged commission of the act in question.
(ORC 2919.25)
(b) Temporary Protection Order.
(1) Upon the filing of a complaint that alleges a violation of subsection (a) hereof, or a violation of Ohio R.C. 2903.11, 2903.12, 2903.13, 2903.211 or 2911.211, or Section 636.02, 636.045 or 642.125 of this General Offenses Code, that involves a person who was a family or household member at the time of the violation, the complainant, the alleged victim or a family or household member of an alleged victim may file, or, if in an emergency the alleged victim is unable to file, a person who made an arrest for the alleged violation under Ohio R.C. 2935.03, may file on behalf of the alleged victim, a motion that requests the issuance
of a temporary protection order as a pretrial condition of release of the alleged offender, in addition to any bail set under Rule 46 of the Ohio Rules of Criminal Procedure. The motion shall be filed with the clerk of the court that has jurisdiction of the case at any time after the filing of the complaint.
(2) For purposes of Ohio R.C. 2930.09, all stages of a proceeding arising out of a violation specified in paragraph (b)(1) hereof, including all proceedings on a motion for a temporary protection order, are critical stages of the case, and a victim may be accompanied by a victim advocate or another person to provide support to the victim as provided in that section.
(3) The motion shall be prepared on a form that is provided by the clerk of the court, which form shall be substantially as follows:
................ Court
Name and address of court
Municipality of Caldwell, Ohio No.............
Name of Defendant
(Name of person) moves the court to issue a temporary protection order containing terms designed to ensure the safety and protection of the complainant, alleged victim and other family or household members, in relation to the named defendant, pursuant to its authority to issue such an order under Ohio R.C. 2919.26 or Section 636.17 of the Codified Ordinances.
A complaint, a copy of which has been attached to this motion, has been filed in this court charging the named defendant with at least one of the following violations of subsection (a) hereof or Ohio R.C. 2919.25 that constitutes “domestic violence;” knowingly causing or attempting to cause physical harm to a family or household member; recklessly causing serious physical harm to a family or household member; or, by threat of force, knowingly causing a family or household member to believe that the named defendant would cause imminent physical harm to that family or household member; charging the named defendant with felonious assault, aggravated assault, or assault that involved a family or household member, in violation of Ohio R.C. 2903.11, 2903.12 or 2903.13, or Section 636.02 of the Codified Ordinances; charging the named defendant with menacing by stalking or aggravated trespass that involves a family or household member in violation of Ohio R.C. 2903.211 or 2911.211, or Section 636.045 or 642.125 of the Codified Ordinances.
I understand that I must appear before the court, at a time set by the court within twenty-four hours after the filing of this motion, for a hearing on the motion, or that, if I am unable to appear because of hospitalization or a medical condition resulting from the offense alleged in the complaint, a person who can provide information about my need for a temporary protection order must appear before the court in lieu of my appearing in court. I understand that any temporary protection order granted pursuant to this motion is a pretrial condition of release and is effective only until the disposition of the criminal proceeding arising out of the attached complaint, or the issuance of a civil protection order or the approval of a consent agreement, arising out of the same activities as those that were the basis of the complaint, under Ohio R.C. 3113.31.
............................................................Signature of person (or signature of the arresting officer who filed the motion on behalf of the alleged victim)
.........................................................Address of person (or office address of the arresting officer who filed the motion on behalf of the alleged victim)
(4) As soon as possible after the filing of a motion that requests the issuance of a temporary protection order, but not later than twenty-four hours after the filing of the motion, the court shall conduct a hearing to determine whether to issue the order. The person who requested the order shall appear before the court and provide the court with the information that it requests concerning the basis of the motion. If the person who requested the order is unable to appear and if the court finds that the failure to appear is because of the person's hospitalization or medical condition resulting from the offense alleged in the complaint, another person who is able to provide the court with the information it requests may appear in lieu of the person who requested the order. If the court finds that the safety and protection of the complainant, alleged victim or any other family or household member of the alleged offender may be impaired by the continued presence of the alleged offender, the court may issue a temporary protection order, as a pretrial condition of release, that contains terms designed to ensure the safety and protection of the complainant, alleged victim or the family or household member, including a requirement that the alleged offender refrain from entering the residence, school, business or place of employment of the complainant, alleged victim or family or household member.
(5) If the court issues a temporary protection order that includes a requirement that the alleged offender refrain from entering the residence, school, business or place of employment of the complainant, alleged victim or the family or household member, the order shall state clearly that the order cannot be waived or nullified by an invitation to the alleged offender from the complainant, alleged victim or family or household member to enter the residence, school, business or place of employment or by the alleged offender's entry into one of those places otherwise upon the consent of the complainant, alleged victim or family or household member.
(6) Paragraph (b)(5) hereof does not limit any discretion of a court to determine that an alleged offender charged with a violation of Ohio R.C. 2919.27, this subsection (b) hereof, or another municipal ordinance substantially equivalent to that section, or with contempt of court, which charge is based on an alleged violation of a temporary protection order issued under this section, did not commit the violation or was not in contempt of court.
(7) A. Upon the filing of a complaint that alleges a violation of subsection (a) hereof, or a violation of Ohio R.C. 2903.11, 2903.12, 2903.13, 2903.211 or 2911.211, or Section 636.02, 636.045 or 642.125 of this General Offenses Code, that involves a person who was a family or household member at the time of the violation, the court, upon its own motion, may issue a temporary protection order as a pretrial condition of release if it finds that the safety and protection of the complainant, alleged victim or other family or household member of the alleged offender may be impaired by the continued presence of the alleged offender.
B. If the court issues a temporary protection order under this subsection as an ex parte order, it shall conduct, as soon as possible after the issuance of the order, a hearing in the presence of the alleged offender not later than the next day on which the court is scheduled to conduct business after the day on which the alleged offender was arrested, or at the time of the appearance of the alleged offender pursuant to summons, to determine whether the order should remain in effect, be modified or be revoked. The hearing shall be conducted under the standards set forth in paragraph (b)(4) hereof.
C. An order issued under this paragraph shall contain only those terms authorized in orders issued under paragraph (b)(4) hereof.
D. If a municipal court or a county court issues a temporary protection order under this section and if, subsequent to the issuance of the order, the alleged offender who is the subject of the order is bound over to the Court of Common Pleas for prosecution of a felony arising out of the same activities as those that were the basis of the complaint upon which the order is based, notwithstanding the fact that the order was issued by a municipal court or county court, the order shall remain in effect, as though it were an order of the Court of Common Pleas, while the charges against the alleged offender are pending in the Court of Common Pleas, for the period of time described in paragraph (b)(8)B. hereof, and the Court of Common Pleas has exclusive jurisdiction to modify the order issued by the municipal court or county court. This paragraph applies when the alleged offender is bound over to the Court of Common Pleas as a result of the person waiving a preliminary hearing on the felony charge, as a result of the municipal court or county court having determined at a preliminary hearing that there is probable cause to believe that the felony has been committed and that the alleged offender committed it, as a result of the alleged offender having been indicted for the felony, or in any other manner.
(8) A temporary protection order that is issued as a pretrial condition of release under this subsection:
A. Is in addition to, but shall not be construed as a part of, any bail set under Rule 46 of the Ohio Rules of Criminal Procedure;
B. Is effective only until the occurrence of either of the following:
1. The disposition by the court that issued the order or, in the circumstances described in paragraph (b)(7)D. hereof, by the Court of Common Pleas to which the alleged offender is bound over for prosecution of the criminal proceeding arising out of the complaint upon which the order is based.
2. The issuance of a protection order or the approval of a consent agreement, arising out of the same activities as those that were the basis of the complaint upon which the order is based, under Ohio R.C. 3113.31;
C. Shall not be construed as a finding that the alleged offender committed the alleged offense, and shall not be introduced as evidence of the commission of the offense at the trial of the alleged offender on the complaint upon which the order is based.
(9) A person who meets the criteria for bail under Rule 46 of the Ohio Rules of Criminal Procedure and who, if required to do so pursuant to that Rule, executes or posts bond or deposits cash or securities as bail, shall not be held in custody pending a hearing before the court on a motion requesting a temporary protection order.
(10) The following regulations shall govern temporary protection orders:
A. A copy of any temporary protection order that is issued under this section shall be issued by the court to the complainant, to the alleged victim, to the person who requested the order, to the defendant, and to all law enforcement agencies that have jurisdiction to enforce the order. The court shall direct that a copy of the order be delivered to the defendant on the same day that the order is entered. If a municipal court or a county court issues a temporary protection order under this section, and if, subsequent to the issuance of the order, the defendant who is the subject of the order is bound over to the Court of Common Pleas for prosecution as described in paragraph (b)(7)D. hereof, the municipal court or county court shall direct that a copy of the order be delivered to the Court of Common Pleas to which the defendant is bound over.
B. All law enforcement agencies shall establish and maintain an index for the temporary protection orders delivered to the agencies pursuant to paragraph (b)(10)A. hereof. With respect to each order delivered, each agency shall note on the index, the date and time of the receipt of the order by the agency.
C. A complainant, alleged victim or other person who obtains a temporary protection order under this subsection may provide notice of the issuance of the temporary protection order to the judicial and law enforcement officials in any county other than the county in which the order is issued by registering that order in the other county in accordance with Ohio R.C. 3113.31(N) and filing a copy of the registered protection order with a law enforcement agency in the other county in accordance with that division.
D. Any officer of a law enforcement agency shall enforce a temporary protection order issued by any court in this State in accordance with the provisions of the order, including removing the defendant from the premises, regardless of whether the order is registered in the county in which the officer's agency has jurisdiction as authorized by paragraph (b)(10)C. hereof.
(11) Upon a violation of a temporary protection order, the court may issue another temporary protection order, as a pretrial condition of release, that modifies the terms of the order that was violated.
(12) As used in this paragraph, “defendant” means a person who is alleged in a complaint to have committed a violation of the type described in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) hereof.
If a complaint is filed that alleges that a person committed a violation of the type described in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) hereof, the court may not issue a temporary protection order under this subsection that requires the complainant, alleged victim or another family or household member of the defendant to do or refrain from doing an act that the court may require the defendant to do or refrain from doing under a temporary protection order unless both of the following apply:
A. The defendant has filed a separate complaint that alleges that the complainant, alleged victim or other family or household member in question who would be required under the order to do or refrain from doing the act committed a violation of the type described in paragraph (b)(1) or (2) hereof.
B. The court determines that both the complainant, alleged victim or other family or household member in question who would be required under the order to do or refrain from doing the act and the defendant acted primarily as aggressors, that neither the complainant, alleged victim or other family or household member in question who would be required under the order to do or refrain from doing the act nor the defendant acted primarily in self-defense, and, in accordance with the standards and criteria of this subsection as applied in relation to the separate complaint filed by the defendant, that it should issue the order to require the complainant, alleged victim or other family or household member in question to do or refrain from doing the act.
(13) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, no court shall charge a fee for the filing of a motion pursuant to this section.
(14) As used in this subsection, “victim advocate” means a person who provides support and assistance for a victim of an offense during court proceedings. (ORC 2919.26)
(c) Violation of Protection Orders. No person shall recklessly violate the terms of any of the following:
(1) A protection order issued or consent agreement approved pursuant to this section or Ohio R.C. 2919.26 or 3113.31; or
(2) A protection order issued by a court of another state.
(ORC 2919.27)
(d) Penalties.
(1) Whoever violates any of the provisions of subsection (a) hereof is guilty of domestic violence. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, a violation of paragraph (a)(1) or (2) hereof is a misdemeanor of the first degree and a violation of paragraph (a)(3) hereof is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree and the penalty shall be as provided in Section 698.02. If the offender previously has been convicted of a violation of subsection (a) hereof, or a violation of another municipal ordinance that is substantially similar to subsection (a) hereof, or a violation of Ohio R.C. 2903.11, 2903.12, 2903.13, 2903.14, 2903.21, 2903.211, 2903.22, 2911.211, 2919.22 or 2919.25, involving a person who was a family or household member at the time of the violation, or a violation of Section 636.02, 636.03, 636.04, 636.045, 636.05, 636.11 or 642.125 of this General Offenses Code, involving a person who was a family or household member at the time of the violation, or a violation of another municipal ordinance that is substantially similar to one of those sections, involving a person who was a family or household member at the time of the violation, then a violation of paragraph (a)(1) or (2) hereof is a felony of the fifth degree and shall be prosecuted under Ohio R.C. 2919.25, and a violation of paragraph (a)(3) hereof is a misdemeanor of the third degree and shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 698.02.
(ORC 2919.25)
(2) Whoever violates subsection (c) hereof is guilty of violating a protection order and shall be subject to the following penalties:
A. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (d)(2)B. hereof, violating a protection order is a misdemeanor of the first degree and the penalty shall be as provided in Section 698.02.
B. If the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to two or more violations of Ohio R.C. 2903.211 or 2911.211, or Section 636.045 or 642.125 of this General Offenses Code, that involved the same person who is the subject of the protection order or consent agreement, or previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to one or more violations of this section, violating a protection order is a felony of the fifth degree and shall be prosecuted under Ohio R.C. 2919.27.
(3) It is an affirmative defense to a charge under paragraph (c)(2) hereof that the protection order issued by a court of another state does not comply with the requirements specified in 18 U.S.C. 2265(b) for a protection order that must be accorded full faith and credit by a court of this state or that it is not entitled to full faith and credit under 18 U.S.C. 2265(c).
(4) As used in this section, “protection order issued by a court of another state” means an injunction or another order issued by a criminal court of another state for the purpose of preventing violent or threatening acts or harassment against, contact or communication with, or physical proximity to, another person, including a temporary order, and means an injunction or order of that nature issued by a civil court of another state, including a temporary order and a final order issued in an independent action or as a pendente lite order in a proceeding for other relief, if the court issued it in response to a complaint, petition or motion filed by or on behalf of a person seeking protection. “Protection order issued by a court of another state” does not include an order for support or for custody of a child. (ORC 2919.27)
(a) As used in this section:
(1) “Live entertainment performance” means any live speech; any live musical performance, including a concert; any live dramatic performance; any live variety show; and any other live performance with respect to which the primary intent of the audience can be construed to be viewing the performers. A “live entertainment performance” does not include any form of entertainment with respect to which the person purchasing a ticket routinely participates in amusements as well as views performers.
(2) “Restricted entertainment area” means any wholly or partially enclosed area, whether indoors or outdoors, that has limited access through established entrances or established turnstiles or similar devices.
(3) “Concert” means a musical performance of which the primary component is a presentation by persons singing or playing musical instruments, that is intended by its sponsors mainly, but not necessarily exclusively, for the listening enjoyment of the audience, and that is held in a facility. A “concert” does not include any performance in which music is a part of the presentation and the primary component of which is acting, dancing, a motion picture, a demonstration of skills or talent other than singing or playing an instrument, an athletic event, an exhibition or a speech.
(4) “Facility” means any structure that has a roof or partial roof and that has walls that wholly surround the area on all sides, including, but not limited to, a stadium, hall, arena, armory, auditorium, ballroom, exhibition hall, convention center or music hall.
(5) “Person” includes, in addition to an individual or entity specified in Ohio R.C. 1.59(C), any governmental entity.
(b) No person shall sell, offer to sell, or offer in return for a donation, any ticket that is not numbered and that does not correspond to a specific seat for admission to either of the following:
(1) A live entertainment performance that is not exempted under subsection (e) hereof, that is held in a restricted entertainment area, and for which more than 8,000 tickets are offered to the public;
(2) A concert that is not exempted under subsection (e) hereof and for which more than 3,000 tickets are offered to the public.
(c) No person shall advertise any live entertainment performance as described in paragraph (b)(1) hereof or any concert as described in paragraph (b)(2) hereof, unless the advertisement contains the words “reserved seats only.”
(d) Unless exempted by subsection (e) hereof, no person who owns or operates any restricted entertainment area shall fail to open, maintain and properly staff at least the number of entrances designated under subsections (i) and (j) hereof for a minimum of ninety minutes prior to the scheduled start of any live entertainment performance that is held in the restricted entertainment area and for which more than 3,000 tickets are sold, offered for sale or offered in return for a donation.
(e) A live entertainment performance, other than a concert, is exempted from the provisions of subsections (b), (c) and (d) hereof if both of the following apply:
(1) The restricted entertainment area in which the performance is held has at least eight entrances or, if both entrances and separate admission turnstiles or similar devices are used, has at least eight turnstiles or similar devices.
(2) The eight entrances or, if applicable, the eight turnstiles or similar devices, are opened, maintained and properly staffed at least one hour prior to the scheduled start of the performance.
(f) The officer responsible for public safety in the Municipality may, upon application of the sponsor of a concert covered by subsections (b) and (c) hereof, exempt the concert from the provisions of such subsections if such officer finds that the health, safety and welfare of the participants and spectators would not be substantially affected by failure to comply with the provisions of such subsections.
In determining whether to grant an exemption, the officer shall consider the following factors:
(1) The size and design of the facility in which the concert is scheduled;
(2) The size, age and anticipated conduct of the crowd expected to attend the concert;
(3) The ability of the sponsor to manage and control the expected crowd.
If the sponsor of any concert desires to obtain an exemption under subsections (e) through (h) hereof, the sponsor shall apply to the appropriate official on a form prescribed by that official. The official shall issue an order that grants or denies the exemption within five days after receipt of the application. The sponsor may appeal any order that denies an exemption to the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the facility is located.
(g) If an official grants an exemption under subsection (f) hereof, the official shall designate an on-duty law enforcement officer to be present at the concert. The designated officer has authority to issue orders to all security personnel at the concert to protect the health, safety and welfare of the participants and spectators.
(h) Notwithstanding subsections (f) and (g) hereof, in the case of a concert held in a facility located on the campus of an educational institution covered by Ohio R.C. 3345.04, a State university law enforcement officer appointed pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3345.04 and 3345.21 shall do both of the following:
(1) Exercise the authority to grant exemptions provided by subsection (f) hereof in lieu of an official designated in that subsection;
(2) If the officer grants an exemption under paragraph (h)(1) hereof, designate an on-duty State university law enforcement officer to be present at the concert. The designated officer has authority to issue orders to all security personnel at the concert to protect the health, safety and welfare of the participants and spectators.
(i) Unless a live entertainment performance is exempted by subsection (e) hereof, the officer responsible for public safety within the Municipality shall designate, for purposes of subsection (d) hereof, the minimum number of entrances required to be opened, maintained and staffed at each live entertainment performance so as to permit crowd control and reduce congestion at the entrances. The designation shall be based on such factors as the size and nature of the crowd expected to attend the live entertainment performance, the length of time prior to the live entertainment performance that crowds are expected to congregate at the entrances and the amount of security provided at the restricted entertainment area.
(j) Notwithstanding subsection (i) hereof, a State university law enforcement officer appointed pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3345.04 and 3345.21 shall designate the number of entrances required to be opened, maintained and staffed in the case of a live entertainment performance that is held at a restricted entertainment area located on the campus of an educational institution covered by Ohio R.C. 3345.04.
(k) No person shall enter into any contract for a live entertainment performance that does not permit or require compliance with this section.
(l) This section does not apply to a live entertainment performance held in a restricted entertainment area if one admission ticket entitles the holder to view or participate in three or more different games, rides, activities or live entertainment performances occurring simultaneously at different sites within the restricted entertainment area and if the initial admittance entrance to the restricted entertainment area, for which the ticket is required, is separate from the entrance to any specific live entertainment performance and an additional ticket is not required for admission to the particular live entertainment performance.
(m) This section does not apply to a symphony orchestra performance, a ballet performance, horse races, dances or fairs.
(n) This section does not prohibit Council from imposing additional requirements, not in conflict with this section, for the promotion or holding of live entertainment performances.
(o) Whoever violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. If any individual suffers physical harm to his or her person as a result of a violation of or noncompliance with this section, the sentencing court shall consider this factor in favor of imposing a term of imprisonment upon the offender. The penalty shall be as provided in Section 698.02. (ORC 2917.40)
(a) As used in this section, “hazing” means doing any act, or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act, of initiation into any student or other organization, which act causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person.
(b) No person shall recklessly participate in the hazing of another.
(c) No administrator, employee or faculty member of any primary, secondary or post- secondary school, or of any other educational institution, public or private, shall recklessly permit the hazing of any person. (ORC 2903.31)
(d) Any person who is subjected to hazing, as defined in subsection (a) hereof, may commence a civil action for injury or damages, including mental and physical pain and suffering, that result from the hazing. The action may be brought against any participants in the hazing, any organization whose local or national directors, trustees or officers authorized, requested, commanded or tolerated the hazing, and any local or national director, trustee or officer of the organization who authorized, requested, commanded or tolerated the hazing. If the hazing involves students in a primary, secondary or post-secondary school, university, college or any other educational institution, an action may also be brought against any administrator, employee or faculty member of the school, university, college or other educational institution who knew or reasonably should have known of the hazing and who did not make reasonable attempts to prevent it and against the school, university, college or other educational institution. If an administrator, employee or faculty member is found liable in a civil action for hazing, then notwithstanding Ohio R.C. Chapter 2743, the school, university, college or other educational institution that employed the administrator, employee or faculty member may also be held liable.
The negligence or consent of the plaintiff or any assumption of the risk by the plaintiff is not a defense to an action brought pursuant to this section. In an action against a school, university, college or other educational institution, it is an affirmative defense that the school, university, college or other institution was actively enforcing a policy against hazing at the time the cause of action arose.
(ORC 2307.44)
(e) Whoever violates any of the provisions of this section is guilty of hazing, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree, and shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 698.02. (ORC 2903.31)
(f) The penalty provided for in subsection (e) hereof shall be in addition to the civil remedy provided for in subsection (d) hereof.