No person shall peddle, vend, solicit or request contributions for any purpose, charitable or otherwise, unless such person has obtained a license from the Village or unless the person meets the exception contained in Section 715.08. Such person shall carry the license required by this section, a photographic identification card, and the do-not-solicit list required by Section 715.12 at all times while exercising such calling and shall, upon demand, exhibit those items to any official of the Village or occupant of any residence or business establishment being contacted.
(Ord. 2014-08. Passed 4-11-14.)
An application for a license to peddle, vend, solicit or request contributions shall be made on forms provided by the Village. The Police Chief shall issue the license if:
(a) All of the statements made in the application are true.
(b) The applicant has provided a valid photographic identification card.
(c) The applicant has not been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving force, violence, fraud, theft, or a sexually-oriented offense.
(Ord. 2014-08. Passed 4-11-14.)
A waiting period, not to exceed forty-eight hours after receipt of the completed application for a license to peddle, vend, solicit or request contributions, shall be required for the purpose of having the Police Department make an independent inquiry of the requirements specified in Section 715.04.
(Ord. 2014-08. Passed 4-11-14.)
The Police Chief, before issuing the license required by this chapter, shall collect from each licensee twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for the first day and five dollars ($5.00) each day thereafter for each license issued under this chapter. Each separate person shall have an individual license in order to solicit within the Village. This does not apply to charitable canvassers as defined in Section 715.01(a)(1), political or religious organization. Each person shall be supplied with a Village issued identification card, complete with photograph, name of person and name of agency.
(Ord. 2014-08. Passed 4-11-14.)
Any license issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire not later than ten days following the date of issuance. Such a license may be revoked or suspended at any time by the Police Chief if the holder:
(a) Is found to have misrepresented any statement on the application for a license to peddle, vend, solicit or request contributions;
(b) Violates any of the provisions of this chapter;
(c) Is the subject of a complaint for criminal trespass as defined by Section 541.05 of the Cadiz Codified Ordinances; or
(d) Is found to be convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving force, violence, fraud, theft, or a sexually-oriented offense.
(Ord. 2014-08. Passed 4-11-14.)