Peddlers, Vendors, Canvassers and Charitable Solicitations
715.01   Definitions.
715.02   Authority to issue license.
715.03   License or registration required.
715.04   License application.
715.05   License waiting period; investigation.
715.06   License fees.
715.07   License expiration; revocation or suspension.
715.08   Exceptions from license and fees.
715.09   Compliance with state law.
715.10   Falsification; misrepresentation.
715.11   Hours of solicitation.
715.12   Prohibited soliciting; notice.
715.13   Appeals.
715.99   Penalty.
Municipal power to regulate - see Ohio R.C. 715.61, 715.63 and 715.64
Revocation of licenses for conviction of certain fraud and theft offenses - see Ohio R.C. 2961.03
   As used in this chapter:
   (a)    "Canvassing,""canvassers" and "canvass" means the house-to-house distribution of ideas, pamphlets, literature, and the like, or the collection of signatures or support for any purpose or cause. This definition does not include solicitation, peddling, or vending, as those terms are defined in this section. This definition includes requesting contributions when such requests are made in conjunction with the house-to-house distribution of ideas, pamphlets, literature, or the collection of signatures or support for any purpose or cause. This definition includes both "contact canvassers" and "non-contact canvassers" as defined in paragraphs (a)(l) and (a)(2) hereof.
      (1)    "Contact canvassers" and "contact canvassing" mean those persons who canvass, as defined in subsection (a) hereof through in person, face-to-face contact, verbal or otherwise, with individual residents.
      (2)    "Non-contact canvassers" and "non-contact canvassing" mean those persons who canvass, as defined in subsection (a) hereof, without attempting in person, face-to-face contact with individual residents, such as the distribution of leaflets and/or pamphlets by leaving them at a place of residence.
   (b)    "Charitable" means and includes the words patriotic, philanthropic, social service, welfare, benevolent, educational, fraternal or any agency created for the purpose of supporting health research or health measures, either actual or purported.
   (c)    "Contribution" means the gift, sale for less than market value or purchase for more than market value of alms, food, clothing, money or property, including donations under the guise of a loan of money or property or the rental thereof for any charitable, religious or political use or purpose.
   (d)    "Peddler" means an itinerant solicitant/trader who sells wares which he or she may carry with him or her traveling about from place to place.
   (e)    "Person" means any firm, copartnership, corporation, company, association, joint stock association, church, religious sect, religious denomination, society, organization or league, and includes any trustee, receiver, assignee, agent or other similar representative thereof.
   (f)    "Political" and ''political organization" shall not mean or include the term "charitable." Such terms shall be given their commonly accepted definitions. It is not necessary that a person be a candidate for an office or in support of another person as a candidate to be included within the definition of ''political" or "political organization."
   (g)    "Religious" and "religion" shall not mean and include the term "charitable." Such terms shall be given their commonly accepted definitions.
   (h)    "Solicit" and "solicitation" mean the method by which a peddler or vendor conveys his/her wares; or the request, either directly or indirectly, for money, credit, property, financial assistance, or other thing of value on the plea or representation that which is being solicited will be used for a charitable, political, or religious purpose.
   (i)    "Vendor" means a person who transfers property by door-to-door sale.
      (Ord. 2014-08. Passed 4-11-14.)
   The Police Chief is hereby authorized to grant, issue and revoke a license to any person who desires to vend, solicit, peddle or request contributions under this chapter.
(Ord. 2014-08. Passed 4-11-14.)
No person shall peddle, vend, solicit or request contributions for any purpose, charitable or otherwise, unless such person has obtained a license from the Village or unless the person meets the exception contained in Section 715.08. Such person shall carry the license required by this section, a photographic identification card, and the do-not-solicit list required by Section 715.12 at all times while exercising such calling and shall, upon demand, exhibit those items to any official of the Village or occupant of any residence or business establishment being contacted.
(Ord. 2014-08. Passed 4-11-14.)
   An application for a license to peddle, vend, solicit or request contributions shall be made on forms provided by the Village. The Police Chief shall issue the license if:
   (a)    All of the statements made in the application are true.
   (b)    The applicant has provided a valid photographic identification card.
   (c)    The applicant has not been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving force, violence, fraud, theft, or a sexually-oriented offense.
      (Ord. 2014-08. Passed 4-11-14.)
   A waiting period, not to exceed forty-eight hours after receipt of the completed application for a license to peddle, vend, solicit or request contributions, shall be required for the purpose of having the Police Department make an independent inquiry of the requirements specified in Section 715.04.
(Ord. 2014-08. Passed 4-11-14.)