All principal residential structures shall be constructed in compliance with the building requirements as adopted by the Village of Cadiz, Ohio, in Ordinance 79-3, passed February 1, 1979, as amended by Ordinance 86-34, passed December 18, 1986, and amendments thereto prior to commencement of construction. Construction plans shall be submitted to the Village Housing Inspector, together with a request for the issuance of a construction certificate, all as provided in
Section 1317.07. A primary residential structure moved, erected, placed or used on any lot shall be deemed a principal residential structure originally constructed thereon and shall be required to meet all the regulations and requirements of this chapter before said primary residential structure is occupied or otherwise used except as provided in Section 1317.03 . No construction certificate shall be issued until proof is presented to the Village Housing Inspector that the applicant has first obtained a sanitary permit from the Village of Cadiz Water and Sewer Department.
(Ord. 93-11. Passed 3-18-93; Ord. 93-37. Passed 8-5-93.)