   The boundaries of the four wards within the city shall be as follows:
   1.   Ward One: the area within the city limits and bounded on the south by the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks and bounded on the east by a line described as beginning at the intersection of the center of said railroad track and the east line of the S/2, Section 24, T-2-N, R-14-W.I.M.; thence north on the east line of said W/2 to the southwest corner of Caldwell Addition; thence east on the south line of Caldwell Addition to the southeast corner of Caldwell Addition; thence north on the east line of Caldwell Addition and a straight-line extension thereof to the north line of said Section 24; thence east on said north line to its point intersection with the south right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 62; thence westerly on said south right-of-way line to its point of intersection with the east line of SW/4, Section 13, T-2-N, R-14-W.I.M.; thence north on said east line to the northeast corner of said SW/4;
   2.   Ward Two: that area within the city limits and bounded on the west by the east boundary of Ward One plus a line described as beginning at the southeast corner of the Ward One boundary; thence easterly on the center of the Burlington Northern Railroad track to a point north of the northeast corner of Lot 9, Block 1, Crater Creek Estates Part 1; thence south to the northeast corner of said Lot 9; thence southwesterly on the east line of said Lot 9 and a straight-line extension of said line to a point of intersection with the center of North Elk Drive; thence southerly on the center of North Elk Drive to the center East “D” Avenue; thence westerly on the center of East “D” Avenue to the center of South First Street; thence south on the center of South First Street to the center of East “E” Avenue; thence easterly on the center of East “E” Avenue to the center of South Elk Drive; thence south on the center of South Elk Drive to the center of East “G” Avenue; thence easterly on the center of East “G” Avenue to the center of Deer Drive; thence south on the center of Deer Drive to the center of “H” Avenue (AKA Cache Road); thence east on the center of “H” Avenue said line also being the south line of Section 24, T-2-N, R-14-W.I.M., to the southeast corner of said Section 24; thence continuing east on the south line of Section 19, T-2-N, R-13-W.I.M. to the southeast corner of said Section 19; thence continuing east on the south line of Section 20, T-2-N, R-13-W.I.M., to the southeast corner of said Section 20;
   3.   Ward Three: that area within Section 24, T-2-N, R-14-W.I.M. not included in the boundaries of Wards One and Two but located within the city limits bounded on the west by a line beginning at the intersection of a straight-line extension of the center of South Sixth Street and the center of the Burlington Northern Railroad track and extending south on the center of South Sixth Street and a straight-line extension thereof to the south line said Section 24. And, all are in Section 25, T-2-N, R-14-W.I.M., within the city limits; and
   4.   Ward Four: that area within the city limits, bounded on the north by the Burlington Northern Railroad track and the east by the west boundary of Ward Three.