1.   Streets shall be laid out to intersect at right angles and may be curved, if necessary, in order to make this possible. In no event shall a street intersect any other street at any angle of less than 75 degrees.
   2.   Street corners on local residential streets shall have a minimum radius of 25 feet at the curb line or its equivalent.
   3.   Street corners on commercial and industrial streets shall have a minimum radius of 30 feet at the curb line or its equivalent.
   4.   Street intersections involving major streets shall have a minimum street corner radius of 30 feet at the curb line or its equivalent.
   5.   A 25-foot area of clear vision at street intersections in subdivisions shall be provided. This area shall be kept clear of all structures and vegetation exceeding a height of three feet above the established municipal street elevation. Where any street intersection will involve earth banks or existing vegetation inside any lot corner, that would create a traffic hazard by limiting visibility, the developer shall cut such ground and/or vegetation (including trees) in connection with the grading of the public right-of-way, to the extent deemed necessary to provide adequate and unobstructed vision.
   6.   Intersections shall be designed with a flat grade wherever practical. In hilly or rolling areas, at the approach to an intersection, a leveling area shall be provided having not greater than a 2% rate at a distance of 60 feet, measured from the nearest right-of-way line of the intersecting street.