1.   It is hereby declared to be the policy of the city to consider the subdivision of land and the subsequent development of the subdivided plat as subject to the control of said city pursuant to the city’s comprehensive plan, once prepared and adopted, for the orderly, planned, efficient and economical development of said city.
   2.   Land to be subdivided shall be of such character that it can be used safely for building purposes without danger to health or peril from fire, flood or other menace. Land shall not be subdivided until available public facilities and improvements exist and proper provision has been made for drainage, water, sewerage and capital improvements such as schools, parks, recreation facilities, transportation facilities and other related improvements.
   3.   Existing and proposed public improvements shall conform to, and be properly related to, the proposals shown in the Cache, Oklahoma, comprehensive plan, once prepared and adopted, and it is intended that these subdivision regulations shall supplement and facilitate the enforcement of the policies, provisions and standards contained in the city’s Building and Housing Codes, zoning ordinance, code of ordinances and comprehensive plan.