1.   All subdivision plats, or replats of land laid out in plats or lots, and the streets, alleys or other portions of the same intended to be dedicated to public or private use, located within the jurisdictional area of either the Municipal or Regional Planning Commission, shall first be submitted to said Planning Commission for its review.
   2.   If the subdivision plat or replat is located within the corporate limits of the city, final approval, prior to the filing of said plat or replat with the County Clerk, shall be obtained from the City Council.
   3.   If the subdivision plat or replat is located within the jurisdictional area of the Regional Planning Commission, but outside of the corporate boundaries of the city, approval of the Regional Planning Commission shall be obtained prior to the filing of said plat or replat with the County Clerk.
   4.   In reviewing subdivision plats or replats, the Planning Commission and the City Council shall utilize the definitions, procedures and design and improvement standards in the subdivision regulations adopted by and for the city or the appropriate jurisdictional area and entity.