1.   The position of Assistant Chief of Police for the city is hereby created. The term of office for the Assistant Chief of Police shall coincide with the term of office of the Chief of Police, or until the services of the Assistant Chief of Police are terminated by death, resignation, removal by the City Council or removal from office through any other legal means.
   2.   The Chief of Police shall recommend who shall be appointed Assistant Chief of Police subject to the approval, by majority vote, of a quorum of the City Council.
   3.   The Assistant Chief of Police shall be subject to all of those provision set forth in § 1-43 thereof, and in the absence of the Chief of Police, shall act in the stead of the Chief of Police; provided, the Assistant Chief of Police shall at all times be answerable to the Chief of Police and City Council, and shall in all respects comply with the ordinances of the city, and general laws of the state.