§ 5-81 LICENSE.
   1.   No person shall conduct or transact a pawnbroking business or pawnshop in the city without first having procured a license therefor as hereinafter provided. Then annual fee for such license shall be $20. No license shall be issued to any person whose license has been revoked under the provisions of this article for a period of one year after the date of revocation. No person who has been convicted of a felony shall be eligible to receive such license at any time.
   2.   Application for a pawnbroker’s license shall be made to the City Clerk-Treasurer. The application shall state the name of the person, and in case of firm or corporation, the names of the persons comprising such firm, or the officers and stockholders of such corporation; also the place, street and number where such business is to be carried on and such other information as may be deemed pertinent by the City Clerk-Treasurer or the Chief of Police. Applicants who were not licensed pawnbrokers in the city must be fingerprinted and photographed by the Police Department. Applicants for renewal of pawnbroker’s licenses shall not be required to fingerprinted or photographed.
   3.   At the time of filing the application for a pawnbroker’s license, the applicant shall deposit with the City Clerk-Treasurer, the fee required for said license. The fee, less a charge of $10 for processing said application, shall be refunded to the applicant, upon demand, in case of the license filed for shall not be granted.
   4.   All application for pawnbrokers licenses, or renewals thereof, shall be referred to the Chief of Police, or his or her authorized representative, for his or her approval. In no case shall a license be issued or renewed by the City Clerk-Treasurer when the application has been disapproved by the Chief of Police, but such application or renewal shall be submitted for final action at the next regular City Council meeting.
   5.   Before such license is issued, the applicant shall file a bond running to the city, conditioned for the faithful performance of all provisions of the ordinances of the city concerning pawnbrokers, which bond must remain in effect during all of the time that the applicant is engaged in such business. This bond shall be in the sum of not less than $1,000; to such bond shall be attached justification to the effect that the sureties are residents within the county and each is worth the amount specified in such bond, over and above all just debts and liabilities, and exclusive of property exempt from execution.
   6.   The license issued herein shall state the name of the person to whom issued, the street and number where such business is located, and other appropriate information. Such license shall entitle the person receiving it to do business at the place so designated in such license.
   7.   A pawnbroker’s license shall be non-transferable to any other person or any other place of business and shall authorize the operation of such business only at the location described in such licenses. No person shall do business or attempt to do business under a license transferred to him or her.
   8.   No person shall conduct or transact a pawnbroking business in the city unless he or she shall keep posted in a conspicuous place on the business premises, a current licenses therefor relating to pawnbrokers and pawnshops.