No building sewer shall be directly connected to any county sewer by any person without first obtaining a permit therefor from the county and from the city. The city approval shall be first obtained from the city upon payment of sewer connection charges as provided in this ordinance and Ordinance No. 2014-1-SO. There shall be a connection and installation inspection fee as set by the City Council, and amended by resolution from time to time. The inspection fee above described shall be charged only 1 time if the approval is given at the time the first inspection is made; if, however, the customer shall call for a final inspection and the installation and connection is not properly made and must be corrected, then the customer shall pay the above inspection fee for each inspection made. The party to whom the permits are issued shall be responsible for notifying the City Sewer Inspection Office at least 24 hours in advance of the date and time when the connection is made so that proper inspection of the same can be made.