(A)   The following represent circumstances warranting permitted communication facility approval (PCFA) consideration by the City Council in reviewing an application for wireless community facility:
      (1)   A proposed colocation upon an attached wireless communication facility which had been pre-approved for this type of colocation as part of an earlier approval by the city;
      (2)   An existing structure that will serve as an attached wireless communication facility consisting of a utility pole located within a right-of-way, where the existing pole is not proposed to be modified in a manner which, in the discretion of the authorized city representative, would materially alter the structure or result in an impairment of sight lines or other safety interests; or
      (3)   A wireless communication support structure established within a right-of-way having an existing width of more than 204 feet.
   (B)   Upon the City Council’s determination that the proposed facility or structure warrants PCFA consideration, the application shall be reviewed in accordance with the following standards and conditions:
      (1)   Facilities shall not be demonstrably injurious to neighborhoods or otherwise detrimental to the public safety and welfare;
      (2)   Facilities shall be located and designed to be harmonious with the surrounding areas;
      (3)   Wireless communication facilities shall comply with applicable federal and state standards relative to the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions; and
      (4)   Applicants shall demonstrate a justification for the proposed height of the structures and an evaluation of alternative designs which might result in lower heights.
   (C)   The City Council may approve such an application with any conditions to ensure that the facility will be constructed, maintained, and removed in accordance with these standards and conditions.