(A)   Special assessments may be made payable in 1 or more installments as determined by the Council, but the installments may not exceed 10 years in the case of sidewalk improvements, 15 years in the case of paving improvements, and 20 years in the case of water, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, or other improvements.  The first installment shall be due at such time after confirmation as the Council shall provide and the several subsequent installments shall be due at intervals of 12 months from the due date of the first installment or from that other date as the Council shall fix.  The amount of each installment, if more than 1, need not be extended upon the special assessment roll until after confirmation.  All installments not paid by a date to be fixed by the Council shall bear interest from that date at a rate to be determined by the Council.  The accrued interest on all unpaid installments shall be due and payable annually on the due dates of the respective installments.  Any 1 or more installments may be paid at any time before due together with accrued interest on those installments.
   (B)   If any installment is not paid when due, then the same shall be deemed to be delinquent, and there shall be collected thereon, in addition to interest as above provided, a penalty at the rate of 0.5% for each month or fraction thereof that the same remains unpaid prior to its transfer to the city tax roll.  In case any assessment or any installment thereof shall remain unpaid on the first Monday of May following the date when the same became delinquent, the same shall be reported to the City Treasurer as unpaid and to the Council, and the delinquent assessment, together with all accrued interest, shall be transferred and reassessed on the next annual city tax roll in a column headed “special assessments,” with a penalty of 4% upon the total amount added thereto, and when so transferred and reassessed upon the tax roll shall be collected in all respects as provided for the collection of city taxes.
   (C)   Special assessments and all interest, charges, and penalties thereon, from the date of confirmation of the roll and until paid, shall be and remain a lien upon the property assessed of the same character and effect as the lien created by the City Charter for city taxes.  No judgment or decree, nor any act of the Council vacating a special assessment, shall destroy or impair the lien of the city upon the property assessed, for that amount of the assessment as may be equitably charged against the same, or as by a regular mode of proceeding might be lawfully assessed thereon.
   (D)   When any special assessment shall be confirmed, the Council shall direct the assessments so made in the special assessment roll to be collected.  The Assessor shall thereupon deliver to the City Treasurer the special assessment roll to which the Mayor shall attach his or her warrant commanding the City Treasurer to collect from each of the persons assessed in the roll the amount of money assessed to and set opposite his or her name therein.  Upon receiving the special assessment roll and warrant, the City Treasurer shall proceed to collect the several amounts assessed therein.