(A) No minor under the age of 12 years shall loiter, idle, congregate, or be in or on any public street, highway, alley, park, or public place between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. unless the minor child is accompanied by a parent or guardian or some adult delegated by the parent or guardian to accompany the child.
(B) No minor under the age of 17 years shall loiter, idle, congregate, or be in or on any public street, highway, alley, park, or public place between the hours of midnight and 6:00 a.m., immediately following, except where the minor is accompanied by a parent or guardian or some adult over the age of 21 years, delegated by the parent or guardian to accompany the minor child or where the minor is upon an errand or other legitimate business directed by his or her parent or guardian.
Any parent or legal guardian of a minor child who is notified that his or her minor child has been taken into custody for any violation of § 143.03, and who refuses to collect that minor child from the authorities or make provisions therefore within a period of 3 hours after notification, shall be guilty of a municipal civil infraction.
No person under 16 years of age shall use or possess any handgun designed and manufactured exclusively for propelling BBs not exceeding 0.177 caliber by means of spring, gas, or air, outside the curtilage of his or her domicile, unless he or she is accompanied by a person over 18 years of age.