(A)   All contractors licensed under this ordinance shall be required to identify all vehicles and all equipment used upon any watermain service lead installation in the city with the name of the contractor, address of the contractor, and telephone number.  This identification shall, if there is sufficient room upon the vehicle or equipment, be in letters 2 inches in height and color contrasting with the surface upon which applied, and easily visible.
   (B)   All contractors licensed under this ordinance shall be required to completely clean up any job within the city upon the completion thereof, including regrading the same, completely removing all piles of dirt or other debris from the job and from all properties on which the work is done or adjacent thereto, and to clean up any roadway ditches or roadway right-of-way adjacent to the job.  This shall not prohibit proper mounding of the excavated earth directly over the excavation to permit future settling of the loose soil back to level grade, provided that no earth mounds impeding water flow or blocking roadside ditches shall be permitted.  Provided, further, that nothing herein contained shall prohibit a homeowner from performing all or any portion of the work himself or herself; and where a licensed watermain contractor performs a portion of the work, the homeowner may agree with the licensee to do a portion of the work himself or herself, in which event the licensee shall not be required to perform that portion of the work which the homeowner agrees with the contractor to perform himself or herself, this agreement to be in writing.
   (C)   All contractors licensed under this ordinance shall be required to use the following material or equal.  Material other than specified below must be approved by the Director of the Department of Public Works or his or her designated representative.
      (1)   Copper pipe.  The pipe shall be copper tube, Type K, soft temper, for underground service, conforming to ASTM specifications B-88-62.  The pipe shall be marked with the manufacturer’s name or trademark and a mark indicative of the type of pipe.  The outside diameter of the pipe and minimum weight pr/ft of the pipe shall not be less than that listed in ASTM B-88-62, Table 1.
      (2)   Fittings.  All fittings for copper pipe shall be flared type meeting ASTM specification B-62.  Design standards for threads shall be in accordance with American Standards, ASA B1.1-1960, Tables 2 and 3.  All fittings furnished shall be Mueller or approved equal.
   (D)   All contractors licensed under this ordinance, or a person, firm, or corporation exempt pursuant to § 112.13 of this code, shall provide notice to the city, Department of Public Works, 24 hours in advance of construction for the required inspection and verification of installation.
   (E)   All contractors licensed under this ordinance, or a person, firm, or corporation exempt pursuant to § 112.13 of this code, shall be required to pay an inspection fee as established by resolution of the City Council.