§ 52.100   AFFIDAVIT.
   Whenever the owner of residential property serviced by either or both city sewer and water systems shall have the premises rented or leased to another, the property owner may file an affidavit of non-responsibility with the City Treasurer, then the City Treasurer may waive collections of usage charges and deposits from the property owner. An affidavit of non-responsibility shall be in the form as prescribed by the City Treasurer and shall, in addition to the signature of the owner, be executed by the person in possession and using the services, and the person in possession shall agree therein to be responsible for payment of all deposits and usage charges. The property owner shall, however, remain liable for an connection and/or tap-in charges for the use of the city water and sewer supply systems. The property owner shall remain liable for all water and sewer fees during the time(s) when the property is not occupied by a tenant or an approved affidavit has not been accepted and is not on file with the city.
(Ord. 2019-6-52, passed 1-22-2019)