4-1-5: POWERS:
   A.   Arrest Offenders:
      1.   Manner Of Arrest: The officers and members of the police department shall have power to arrest all offenders against the laws of the state, or of the city, by day or by night, in the same manner as the sheriff or constable, and keep them in the county jail or other place to prevent their escape until trial can be had before the proper officer.
      2.   Pursuit Beyond Corporate Limits: Whenever such police officers shall be in the fresh pursuit of an offender against any law of the state or of the city, and the offense has been committed within the corporate limits of the city, such police officers, while in fresh pursuit, may go beyond the corporate or geographical limits of the city but not beyond the boundary lines of the county of Twin Falls for the purpose of making such arrest. Upon overtaking such offender outside the corporate or geographical limits of the city, the arresting officer may take such offender to and keep him in the county jail, or other place, to prevent his escape until trial can be had before the proper officer, or may personally hand such arrested person a notice, in writing, or partly written and partly printed, to appear in court of proper jurisdiction at a time specified in such notice. (1974 Code § 1-707; amd. 2010 Code)
   B.   Call Others To Assist; Penalty For Refusal:
      1.   Authority To Call For Assistance: The chief of police or any member of the police department shall have authority to call upon any person to assist him in making an arrest, capturing or retaining in custody any person.
      2.   Refusal Or Failure To Assist: Any person, when so requested, who shall refuse or fail, to the best of his ability, to render such aid as required, shall be guilty of an offense, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to penalty as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code. (1974 Code § 1-708; amd. 2010 Code)
   C.   Remove And Impound Vehicles:
      1.    Authority To Remove And Impound: The police department of the city is hereby authorized to remove and impound or cause to be removed and impounded any vehicle parked in violation of any ordinance of the city. The owner or operator of any such vehicle may recover the same by paying the cost of its removal and impoundment, together with the sums due by reason of the violation of said city ordinance. (1974 Code § 1-709; amd. 2010 Code)
      2.   Required Notice: Upon removal of a vehicle from public or private property under subsection C1 of this section, the officer causing the vehicle to be removed, shall immediately advise the department of law enforcement of the state of Idaho of any identifying number or marks and attempt thereby to determine the name of any owner or lienholder listed on the certificate of title filed with the department of law enforcement. If there is no certificate of title on file in the department, then a notice shall be sent to the apparent owner as determined by the registration certificate or other identification found in the vehicle, but if no identification of the owner can be found in the vehicle then notice shall be given by publication in the official newspaper, and in either event, the notice shall include: a) the make, year, model, color and license plate, number of the vehicle; b) the approximate place where the vehicle was found; c) the place to where the vehicle was removed; and d) a statement that the vehicle will be sold for removal and storage charges if not claimed within ten (10) days from the date of mailing or publication of the notice.
   D.   Impounded Vehicles:
      1.   Claimed By Owner: Any person claiming ownership of any said vehicle, upon producing a certificate of title or any other satisfactory documentary evidence of ownership, shall be presented with his or her vehicle upon payment of all costs of both removal and impoundment incurred by the city.
      2.   Sale Of Unclaimed Vehicles: In the event no person claims and pays for any such vehicle so removed within ten (10) days either after personal service of notice or publication of notice in the official newspaper, then it shall be the duty of the chief of police to see that the impounded vehicle shall be sold at either public or private sale. Proceeds of any such sale shall be first applied to the city's costs in removal and impoundment and the balance, if any there may be, shall then be remitted to the owner if he can be found and otherwise any remaining money shall be forfeited to and become a part of the general fund of the city. (1974 Code § 1-709)