Service structures shall be screened from all streets and from adjacent residential properties. Service structures include, but shall not be limited to, loading docks, propane tanks, dumpsters, electrical transformers, and utility vaults.
(a) Location of Screening. All service structures shall be screened on all sides by a continuous planting of evergreens, fences or mounds. Screening material shall be one foot more in height than the height of the structure to be enclosed, except that any such screening shall not be required to exceed 10 feet in height. Whenever a service structure is located next to a building wall, perimeter landscaping material shall be of average height sufficient to meet the height requirements of this section. Whenever service structures are screened by plant material, such material may count towards the fulfillment of required interior or perimeter landscaping. No interior landscaping shall be required within an area screened for service structures.
(b) Curbs to Protect Screening Material. Whenever screening material is placed around any trash disposal unit or waste collection unit which is emptied or removed mechanically on a regular basis, a curb to contain the placement of the container shall be provided within the screening material. The curbing shall be at least one foot from the screening material and shall be designed to prevent possible damage to the screening when the container is moved or emptied.
(Ord. 50-05. Passed 4-25-05.)
(Ord. 50-05. Passed 4-25-05.)
(a) Less Restrictive. The Planning Commission may approve a less restrictive landscaping or screening improvement in individual, unique situations where the require ments of this Chapter are clearly inapplicable. In approving less restrictive requirements, the Commission shall find that the purpose of this chapter, as stated in Section 1282.01, will be met, that the intent of the specific requirement will be maintained and that the public interest will be served. The concurring vote of 3 members of the Planning Commission shall be required to modify any of the specific requirements of this Chapter as authorized by this subsection.
(b) More Restrictive. The Commission, by a majority vote of the members in attendance, may impose more restrictive requirements where warranted by conditions on the site, on the adjacent street system or on adjacent property.
(Ord. 50-05. Passed 4-25-05.)
The plants on Lists A through E below shall be used to comply with the landscaping and screening requirements of this chapter. Other plants that are comparable in size and characteristics and which are also hardy in Zone 5 of the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map may also be used within the landscaping or screening yard areas, subject to Planning Commission approval.
(a) Plant List A - Shade Trees. The following deciduous shade trees are hardy in zone 5 and reach a mature height as indicated by the following: Large - 60', Medium - 40' and Small - 20'.
List A - Large Shade Trees | ||
Common Plant Name | Plant Botanical Name | Cultivar/Variety |
Norway Maple | Acer platanoides | Columnaire, Crimson King, Summershade |
Red Maple | Acer rubrum | Autumn Flame, October Glory, Red Sunset |
Sugar Maple | Acer saccharam | |
European beech | Fagus sylvatica | |
Green Ash | Fraxinus pennsylvanica lanceolata | Marshall Seedless |
Ginkgo | Gingko biloba (male only) | Fastigata, Sentry |
Sweetgum | Liquidambar styraciflua | |
Tulip Poplar | Liriodendron tulipfera | |
London Plane | Platanus x acerifolia | |
Scarlet Oak | Quercus coccinea | |
Shingle Oak | Quercus imbricaria | |
Pin Oak | Quercus palustris | Sovereign, Crown Rite |
Red Oak | Quercus rubra | |
Shumardii Oak | Quercus shumardii | |
Elm | Ulmus parvifolia | Lace Bark Elm |
List A - Medium Shade Trees | ||
Common Plant Name | Plant Botanical Name | Cultivar/Variety |
River Birch | Betula nigra | |
Katsura Tree | Cercidiphyllum japonicum | |
Hess Ash | Fraxinus excelsior | |
Japanese Pagoda Tree | Gleditsia triacanthos | Moraine, Shademaster, Skyline, Imperial |
Amur Cork | Phellondendron amurense | |
Callery Pear | Pyrus callertana | Aristocrat, Chancellor |
Littleleaf Linden | Tilia cordata | Greenspire, June bride |
List A - Small Shade Trees | ||
Common Plant Name | Plant Botanical Name | Cultivar/Variety |
Hedge Maple | Acer campestre | Queen Elizabeth |
Amur Maple | Acer ginnala | Flame |
Paperbark Maple | Acer griseum | |
European Hornbeam | Carpinus betulus | Upright |
Hornbeam | Ostrya virginiana |
(b) Plant List B - Flowering Trees. These deciduous flowering trees are hardy in zone 5 and reach a mature height not exceeding 30 feet.
List B - Flowering Trees | ||
Common Plant Name | Plant Botanical Name | Cultivar/Variety |
Serviceberry | Amelanchier canadensis | Sprizam, Trazam |
Allegheny Serviceberry | Amelanchier laevis | Robin Hill |
Eastern Redbud | Cercis canadensis | Flame, Forest Pansey, Royal |
Dogwood | Cornus | Cornus florida, Cornus Kousa, Cornus mas |
Green Hawthorne | Crataegus virdis | Winter King |
Flowering Ash | Fraxinus ornus | |
Witch Hazel | Hamamelis virginiana | |
Golden Raintree | Koelreutaria paniculata | |
Saucer Magnolia | Magnolia soulangiana | |
Star Magnolia | Magnolia stellata | |
Sweetbay Magnolia | Magnolia virginiana | |
Crabapple | Malus | Bob White, Sargent, Snowdrift, White Angel |
Flowering Plum | Prunus cerasifera | Thundercloud |
Sargent Cherry | Prunus sargentii | Columnaris, Kwanzan |
Callery Pear | Pyrus calleryana | Aristocrat, Chancellor |
Lilac | Syringa reticulata | Japanese Silk Lilac, Ivory Silk Lilac |
(c) Plant List C - Evergreen Trees. The evergreen trees in this list are hardy in zone 5, and can reach a mature height in excess of 20 feet. Evergreen trees, if not limbed-up, can create a good screen from ground level up.
List C - Evergreen Trees | ||
Common Plant Name | Plant Botanical Name | Cultivar/Variety |
White Fir | Abies concolor | |
Wichita Blue Juniper | Juniperus scopulorum | |
Spartan Juniper | Juniperus chinensis | |
Eastern Red Cedar | Juniperus virginiana | |
Cucumber Tree | Magnolia acuminata | |
Norway Spruce | Picea abies | |
Colorado Blue Spruce | Picea pungens | Glauca |
Austrian Pine | Pinus nigra | |
White Pine | Pinus strobus | |
Scotch Pine | Pinus sylvestris | |
Canadian Hemlock | Tsuga canadensis | |
(d) Plant List D - Deciduous Shrubs. These perennial woody plants grow at least 3 feet in height, are hardy in zone 5 and are deciduous.
List D - Deciduous Shrubs | ||
Common Plant Name | Plant Botanical Name | Cultivar/Variety |
Winterberry Barberry | Berbis julianne | |
Quince | Chaenomeles speciosa | |
Spreading Cotoneaster | Contoneaster divaricata | |
Burning Bush | Euonymus alatus | Compactus (dwarf) |
Forsythia Species | Forsythia | |
Shrub Cinquefoil | Potentilla fruticosa | |
Spirea Species | Spirea | |
Doublefile Viburnum | Viburnum plicatum tomentosum | |
(e) Plant List E - Evergreen Shrubs. These perennial woody plants grow at least 3 feet in height, are hardy in zone 5, and are evergreen.
List E - Evergreen Shrubs | ||
Common Plant Name | Plant Botanical Name | Cultivar/Variety |
Korean Boxwood | Buxus microphylla koreana | |
Japanese Holly | Ilex crenata | Microphylla, Rotundifolia |
Chamzin Holly | Ilex glabra | Chamzin |
Blue Holly | Ilex x meserveae | Blue Angel, Blue Prince, Blue Princess, Blue Girl, Boy |
Chinese Juniper | Juniperis chinensis | Hetzil, Keteleeri, Mint Julep, Robusia Green, Spartan |
Skyrocket Juniper | Juniperis virginiana | |
Mugho Pine | Pinus mugho | |
Roseum Rhododendron | Rhododendron Roseum | |
PJM Rhododendron | Rhododendron PJM | |
Japanese Yew | Taxus cuspidata | Capitata, Intermedia, Nana |
Yew | Taxus x media | Brownii, Densiformis, Hidksii, Wardii |
(Ord. 50-05. Passed 4-25-05.)