Before any permit shall be approved, the Building Commissioner shall inspect the premises where the wrecking and demolition work is to take place, and ascertain that provision for proper care has been made so as not to endanger any sewer or water connections with the Town sewer and water systems, or any electrical wires or installations.
(`92 Code, § 7-44) (Ord. 88-28, passed 8-25-88) Penalty, see § 150.99
The following fees shall be collected for a permit for wrecking or demolition:
(A) Wrecking frame or masonry buildings not exceeding a total of three thousand (3,000) square feet: fifty dollars ($50).
(B) Wrecking frame or masonry buildings not exceeding a total of ten thousand (10,000) square feet: fifty dollars ($50).
(C) Wrecking frame or masonry buildings not exceeding a total of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet: fifty dollars ($50).
(D) Wrecking frame or masonry buildings not exceeding a total of fifty thousand (50,000) square feet sixty five dollars ($65).
(E) Wrecking frame or masonry buildings not exceeding a total of one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet: ninety dollars ($90).
(F) Wrecking frame or masonry buildings in excess of one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet: one hundred dollars ($100).
(`92 Code, § 7-46) (Ord. 88-28, passed 8-25-88)
All work of wrecking or demolition shall be performed in a good and workmanlike manner and with the least amount of noise possible. Care shall be taken to protect adjoining or neighboring structures with adequate shoring and whatever else is required to protect the structures. Signs stating “Wrecking and demolition work in progress – No trespassing” shall be erected on each side of a building or structure that faces a public street or alley. Adequate protection shall be provided to prevent injury to any Town or public utility appurtenances. It shall be the duty of all persons working on or responsible for the wrecking or demolition to see that children are warned away from the premises, and are not permitted to lay in, or on, or to frequent the structures.
(`92 Code, § 7-47) (Ord. 88-28, passed 8-25-88) Penalty, see § 150.99
Building rules of the Indiana Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission as set out in the following articles of 675 I.A.C. are incorporated by reference in this code and shall include later amendments to those articles as the same are published in the Indiana Register or the Indiana Administrative Code with effective dates as fixed therein:
(A) Article 13: Building Codes.
(1) Fire and Building Safety Standard (Brownsburg Fire Code)
(2) Indiana Building Code.
(3) Indiana Building Code Standards.
(4) Indiana Handicapped Accessibility Code.
(B) Article 14: One- and Two-Family Dwelling Codes.
(1) Council of American Building Officials (also known as the International Code Council or ICC) One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code.
(2) CABO (ICC) One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code; amendments.
(3) Standard for Permanent Installation of Manufactured Homes.
(C) Article 16: Plumbing Codes. Indiana Plumbing Code.
(D) Article 17: Electrical Codes.
(1) Indiana Electrical Code.
(2) Safety Code for Health Care Facilities.
(E) Article 18: Mechanical Codes. Indiana Mechanical Code.
(F) Article 19: Energy Conservation Codes.
(1) Indiana Energy Conservation Code.
(2) Modifications to the Model Energy Code.
(G) Article 20: Swimming Pool Codes. Indiana Swimming Pool Code.
(`92 Code, § 7-56) (Ord. 89-8, passed 4-27-89)