Any animal may be captured and impounded by any peace officer or the Animal Warden if such animal:
(A) Is found running at large within the town;
(B) Is a menace to persons or to other animals;
(C) Is suffering or reasonably suspected to be suffering from an infectious or contagious disease, or is injured;
(D) In the case of a dog, is not wearing a collar with a license tag as required by law;
(E) Is kept in an unsanitary manner thereby causing odors which are annoying and disturbing to persons in the neighborhood;
(F) Is treated by the owner in a cruel and inhumane manner;
(G) Is found to be an abandoned animal;
(H) Is required by court order to be captured and impounded; or
(I) Is otherwise in violation of this section or other applicable law.
(Ord. 9, 1992, passed 10-14-1992)
(A) (1) If the person owning, keeping, or harboring an animal which has been impounded, notifies the shelter keeper within three days from when impounded of his or her claim to such animal, the shelter keeper shall permit such persons to redeem the animal by paying a shelter fee plus a maintenance fee for each day or fraction thereof during which the animal was impounded; also, in the case of dogs, by paying to the Township Assessor any license fee due for the current year; if such impounded animal has received medical or surgical attention, the person redeeming such animal shall also pay the cost thereof to the Town Clerk-Treasurer who will authorize release to owner by the shelter keeper.
(2) Such shelter fees and maintenance fees shall be as established from time to time by the Town Council.
(B) Any animal, except for licensed dogs, may be redeemed by anyone upon paying to the Town Clerk-Treasurer all accrued fees any time after the three-day period as also set forth in division (A) above.
(C) Licensed dogs shall not be redeemed by other than the owner prior to the expiration of three days. The owner shall be liable for the shelter fee and maintenance fee set forth in this chapter; provided, however, that wherever the shelter keeper can reasonably determine the owner of an animal, he or she shall notify such owner, in writing, that he or she has three days to redeem said animal by paying the accrued shelter and maintenance fees and tax, if any, by depositing such notice in the U.S. mail, postage prepaid, addressed to such owner at his or her last known address, certified with return receipt requested.
(D) An animal which appears to be suffering from rabies, mange, or other infectious diseases shall not be released, but shall be forthwith destroyed, if it has not bitten anyone. If a dog is suspected of having rabies, or has bitten a person and has not been immunized for rabies, such dog shall be immediately confined by a leash or chain on the owner’s premises and shall thereafter be impounded by the town at the expense of the owner for a period of 15 days for observation. Every owner or other person, upon ascertaining or suspecting a dog is rabid, shall immediately notify Town Marshal who shall either remove the dog for observation or summarily destroy it.
(E) Where the shelter keeper is a licensed veterinarian and determines that any impounded animal requires medical and/or surgical or dental treatment he or she may provide such treatment immediately, and the prior consent of the owner of said animal to said treatment shall not be required.
(F) Except for a licensed dog, any animal which is not redeemed may be destroyed by the shelter keeper any time after the three-day period set forth above.
(G) Licensed dogs which are not redeemed by their owners may be destroyed by the shelter keeper any time after the three-day period set forth above, or upon expiration of the three-day notice to the owner, whichever is later.
(H) The shelter keeper may also give any impounded animal away, rather than destroying it, if a suitable home can be found for the animal.
(I) Where the shelter keeper is a licensed veterinarian and determines that an impounded animal is incurably ill or injured, or is suffering unduly, he or she may destroy the animal immediately, and the prior consent of the owner of said animal shall not be required.
(Ord. 9, 1992, passed 10-14-1992) Penalty, see § 90.99
No person shall abandon any animal on any public place, including the right-of-way of any public highway, or upon the property of another within the town.
(Ord. 9, 1992, passed 10-14-1992) Penalty, see § 90.99
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, harbor, or shelter any animal to suffer or permit such animal to bark, howl, or otherwise interfere with or disturb the peace, quiet, dignity, and tranquility of any home or neighborhood.
(Ord. 9, 1992, passed 10-14-1992) Penalty, see § 90.99
(A) No more than three dogs or three cats (except in the case of littermates less than six months of age) shall be kept, harbored, raised, or possessed at any single residence, location, or premises within the town except where such keeping, harboring, raising, or possessing is incidental to the operation of a licensed animal hospital, or a kennel properly licensed by the Township Trustee. The keeping, harboring, raising, or possessing of more than said number of such dogs or cats, except where same is incidental to the animal hospital or kennel, is declared a nuisance and dangerous to the public health, safety, and welfare. In addition to the penalties provided for this section, any person violating this section may be ordered to abate the nuisance.
(B) This section shall be effective from and after its passage.
(Ord. 3-2003, passed 2-26-2003) Penalty, see § 90.99