(a) Submission of Application. An application to construct or alter a wind energy facility subject to the regulations of this chapter shall be submitted to the Building Department.
(b) Determination of Compliance. The Building Department shall determine if the application conforms to requirements of this chapter and other applicable regulations of the City of Brook Park, except for those provisions that require a determination by the Planning Commission under provisions of this chapter.
(c) Referral to City Planning Commission. For proposals subject to approval by the Planning Commission, under Section 1356.03(b), the Building Department shall refer the application to the Planning Commission for review and approval.
(d) City Planning Commission Action. The Planning Commission shall review any application subject to its approval under provisions of this chapter and shall determine whether the proposal meets all applicable standards established in this chapter to ensure appropriate appearance and compatibility with surrounding uses. The Planning Commission shall take action on the application at a public meeting, subsequent to providing public notice, as provided in division (e) of this section. The Planning Commission may require modifications to the proposal as a condition of approval. The Planning Commission may disapprove an application if it determines that the proposed location does not meet the standards set forth in this chapter and that a suitable alternative location is available.
(e) Notice Requirements. Prior to taking action on a wind energy facility subject to its approval under provisions of this chapter, the Planning Commission shall mail notices describing the proposal to all owners of property located within a distance of the wind turbine equal to three times the height of the structure in the case of a ground-mounted structure and to all owners of property located within 100 feet of the wind turbine in the case of a rooftop-mounted structure. Such notice shall be sent by first class mail or equivalent method at least ten calendar days prior to the date of the public meeting.
(f) Permit Issuance. The Building Department shall issue the required permits if it determines that the application conforms to requirements of this chapter and other applicable regulations of the City of Brook Park, and if it has been approved by the Planning Commission where such approval is required.
(Ord. 9662-2010. Passed 8-17-10.)