1703.01   Definitions.
1703.02   Association.
1703.03   Board of Review.
1703.04   Business.
1703.05   City.
1703.06   Corporation.
1703.07   Employee.
1703.08   Employer.
1703.09   Fiscal year.
1703.10   Fundamental change.
1703.11   Gross income.
1703.12   Gross receipts.
1703.13   Manager.
1703.14   Net profits.
1703.15   Nonresident.
1703.16   Nonresident unincorporated business entity.
1703.17   Occasional entrant.
1703.18   Person.
1703.19   Place of business.
1703.20   Resident.
1703.21   Resident unincorporated business entity.
1703.22   Taxable income.
1703.23   Taxable year.
1703.24   Tax Director.
1703.25   Taxpayer.
1703.26   Adjusted Federal taxable income.
1703.27   Domicile.
1703.28   Electronic funds transfer.
1703.29   Intangible income.
1703.30   Joint economic development district.
1703.31   Net profits.
1703.32   Other payer.
1703.33   Pass through entity.
1703.34   Person.
1703.35   Rules and regulations.
1703.36   Schedule C.
1703.37   Schedule E.
1703.38   Taxable income.
1703.39   Taxpayer.
1703.40   Wages.