(a)   Storm drainage as-built plans shall be submitted to the City Engineer upon the completion of installation of the storm drainage system. The developer shall submit two copies of the as-built plans signed and sealed by a Professional Land Surveyor. The as-built plans shall contain, at a minimum, the following information:
      (1)   Pipe slopes, lengths, sizes and material
      (2)   Pipe locations, if different from design plan
      (3)   Manholes, catch basins and inlet locations, if different from design plan
      (4)   Monhole top of casting elevations
      (5)   Catch basin and inlet grate elevations
      (6)   Invert elevations and all drainage structures including headwalls.
   (b)   The as-built information shall be clearly identified on the drawings. As-built information shall be block in, such as
or indicated in a different color than that of the design information.
As-built elevations shall be based on NAVD88.
(Ord. 9477-2008. Passed 5-20-08.)