If the lands acquired as part of such land reutilization program are sold, they shall be sold as follows:
   (a)   The purchaser shall apply in writing to the Commissioner of Economic Development indicating which lot(s) he or she wishes to purchase and indicating the proposed use for redevelopment of the property.
   (b)   It shall further be a condition of the conveyance from the City of Brook Park that the purchaser(s) shall agree in writing to maintain the property in accordance with the applicable Health, Building, Zoning, and Exterior Maintenance Codes of the City of Brook Park.
   (c)   The Mayor, and/or a designee, is authorized to execute and deliver all deeds and/or other instruments necessary to transfer any property acquired through the City's land reutilization program.
   (d)   The Commissioner of Economic Development shall compile and maintain a written inventory of all properties acquired under the land reutilization program and establish and maintain records and accounts reflecting all transactions, expenditures and revenues relating to the land reutilization program.
(Ord. 9515-2008. Passed 11-5-08.)