All parking areas and driveways shall be surfaced with asphalt or concrete and shall be in accordance with the engineering specifications and ordinances of the City.
   All parking areas and driveways shall provide adequate drainage so that all water is contained within the lot on which the parking area or driveway is located in such manner that water shall not drain across other private property.
   Concrete or stone curbs at least six inches above the levels of the surface of the parking area and at least twelve inches below the surface shall be provided to define the limits of the parking area except at exits and entrances. Such curbs shall be at least six inches thick. Curbs shall be arranged so that no part of a parked vehicle shall project into that portion of a required yard in which off-street parking is prohibited.
(Ord. 3081-1970. Passed 7-27-70; Ord. 6381-1983. Passed 5-3-83.)