Signs in U-3, U-3A and U-3B Districts may be located on the surface of, or located so as to project out from the wall or on the first floor doors or windows of the building which faces a street, a pedestrian way or a parking area, or they may be erected on poles or other ground supports within yards as herein regulated. The maximum dimensions and areas established herein for certain signs shall include the structural members unless otherwise indicated.
(a) Wall Signs. A single wall sign shall not exceed 150 square feet in total area, shall not extend above the wall of the building to which it is attached, and shall set back from the end of the building and party wall lines for a distance of at least three feet.
(b) Projecting Signs. Projecting signs shall be limited to not more than one for each establishment or store unit and such sign shall not exceed thirty square feet in area for each face visible from any location on a public way. It shall not project above the cornice line more than one-third of the total height of the sign. It shall be located not less than five feet from a side lot line or party wall line.
(c) Free-Standing Signs. Free-standing signs shall be located not less than five feet from another business lot and not less than twenty-five feet from any residential district line. The maximum size of any face shall not exceed fifty square feet in area.
A business establishment located in a shopping center, as defined in Section 1123.02, shall not be permitted a separate free-standing sign. However, one permanent free-standing sign shall be permitted on the site of each such shopping center and provisions may be made on such sign for the addition or inclusion of nameplates indicating the businesses occupying the shopping center. These name plates must be of a uniform design and may have self-contained illumination. The area of such sign, including the nameplates, shall not be part of the "gross area" as defined in Section 1123.04(a) and as computed in Section 1123.09.
(d) Canopy or Covered Walk Signs. Such signs may be attached to the soffit or fascia of a canopy or roof over a walkway structural member. However, the vertical dimension of such signs, including the fascia, shall not exceed three feet and the lowest member shall be not less than eight feet above the grade of the sidewalk. If located on the fascia, the total area of any sign shall not exceed thirty square feet; if located on the soffit, it shall not exceed six square feet.
(Ord. 2856-1968. Passed 5-14-68.)