Accessory signs in any U-3, U-3A or U-3B District shall also be controlled by supplementary regulations as follows:
   (a)   Nameplates. Professional, service, office and organizations above the ground floor of a building shall only have nameplates located on the permanent freestanding signs.
   (b)   Permanent Project Signs. Permanent project signs indicating the name, owner or manager of a project such as a shopping center shall not exceed twenty-five square feet for each project.
   (c)   Signs for Service Stations and Drive-Ins. The maximum areas for signs accessory to such uses may be increased fifty percent (50%) in addition to the gross area of signs computed by the building frontage formula.
For canopy structures which shelter service islands, no signs shall be displayed on the canopy fascia area. Furthermore, the canopy fascia area shall be nonilluminated and shall be designed in a manner which does not call attention to the canopy structure.
(Ord. 6398-1983. Passed 6-7-83.)
   (d)   Signs for Indoor Theaters. The Planning Commission shall determine the size, area and design of signs for each theater.
   (e)   Permanent Directional Signs. Permanent directional signs, indicating traffic routes and similiar functions, shall be permitted in addition to the above limitations provided each sign does not exceed four square feet in area.
   (i)   Temporary Development Signs. Temporary development signs not exceeding sixty square feet in total area for each street frontage shall be permitted if located on the lot which is occupied by the building or use advertised or if announcing a proposed building or a building under construction or if advertising the sale, rental or lease of a building or part thereof.
   (g)   Other Temporary Signs. Other temporary signs announcing sales, new products or special business events may be permitted in addition to the maximum gross area of permanent business signs, and shall be placed only on the inside of windows and doors and on the exterior of the building and not displayed more than thirty consecutive days.
(Ord. 2856-1968. Passed 5-14-68.)