Signs, as permitted in the various districts, shall be located in accordance with the general standards set forth in this section and the supplementary sign regulations of the particular district as set forth in the subsequent sections of this chapter.
   (a)   Wall or panel signs shall not project more than eighteen inches in front of the building wall to which such sign is attached and shall not project beyond any of the corners of the building.
   (b)   Projecting signs may be attached to the building wall and project at an angle therefrom, and shall not project a distance greater than eighteen inches inside of the property line. The lowest member shall be at least eight feet above the finished grade.
   (c)   (EDITOR'S NOTE: Former subsection (c) was repealed by Ordinance 6095-1982, passed April 20, 1982.)
   (d)   Permanent free-standing signs shall not be located within twenty-five feet of any front lot line. Any free-standing sign shall not extend higher than eight feet above the finished grade.
   (e)   For all signs which project, the lowest member shall be not less than eight feet above finished grade of a sidewalk or any other pedestrian way; and if located over a pavement used for vehicular traffic or within eighteen inches of the vertical projection of the edge of such pavement, the lowest member of the sign shall be not less than fourteen feet above the finished pavement.
   (f)   Signs shall not be attached to or obstruct a fire escape or interfere with other safety provisions as may be further regulated in the Building Code.
   (g)   Unless regulated otherwise in the Traffic Code, signs shall not be erected so as to obstruct sight lines along any public way, traffic control lights, street name signs at intersections or street sight lines or signals at railroad grade crossings. Signs visible from the sight lines along a street shall not contain an arrow or words such as "stop", "go", "slow", etc., or otherwise resemble highway traffic signs. Flashing, moving or intermittent illumination shall not be permitted.
(Ord. 2856-1968. Passed 5-14-68; Ord. 6095-1982. Passed 4-20-82.)