(a)   "Sign" means any display, figure, painting, drawing, placard, poster or other device visible from a public way which is designed, intended or used to convey a message, advertise, inform or direct attention to a business institution, organization, activity, place, object or product. It may be a structure or part thereof printed on or attached directly or indirectly to a structure. This definition does not include "billboards," as defined herein.
(Ord. 8496-1998. Passed 1-5-99.)
   (b)   "Shopping center" means a group of commercial establishments, planned, developed, owned and managed as a unit, with off-street parking provided on the property, in which two or more of the commercial establishments dispense the same type of merchandise or products.
   (c)   "Office building" means a building designed and used primarily for municipal, professional, administrative or executive business activities.
   (d)   Classification by Use Types.
      (1)   "Nameplate" means a sign indicating the name, address or the profession of the person or persons occupying the lot or a part of a building.
      (2)   "Bulletin board" means an announcement sign which directs attention to and located on the lot of a public or semipublic institution.
      (3)   "Real estate and development sign" means a sign which directs attention to the promotion, development, construction, rental, sale or lease of the property on which it is located.
      (4)   "Project sign" means a sign indicating the name, owner or manager of an existing project or building.
      (5)   "Business sign" means a sign which directs attention to the name of the business or establishment, the goods or commodities sold or services rendered on the lot on which the sign is located.
      (6)   "Industrial or service sign" means a sign which directs attention to the name, service or industrial establishment, goods produced or sold or service rendered on the lot on which the sign is located.
      (7)   "Directional sign" means a sign indicating the direction to which attention is called either on the lot on which the sign is located or which directs attention to another location.
      (8)   "Informational sign" means a sign which is designed to give general information to the public concerning the location of places for lodging or eating, vehicle service, natural phenomenon, weather, time, historic sites, areas of natural scenic beauty or outdoor recreation facilities and similar information.
      (9)   "Political sign" means a sign advocating action on a public issue or indicating a candidate or candidates for public office.
      (10)   "Temporary sign" means a sign of any type to announce special events or sales, to announce the sale, lease or rental of property and designed for use for a limited period of time.
(Ord. 2856-1968. Passed 5-14-68.)
      (11)   "Billboard" means a sign bearing a commercial or noncommercial message directing attention to a specific business, product, service, entertainment or any other activity sold, offered or conducted elsewhere than upon, or otherwise unrelated to, the same lot on which the sign is located. For purposes of this section, a noncommercial message means any otherwise lawful message that does not direct attention to a business operated for profit, or to a commodity or service for sale.
(Ord. 8496-1998. Passed 1-5-99.)
      (12)   "Accessory sign" means a sign customarily incidental to and located on the same lot with the main use or building on such lot.
      (13)   "Primary sign" means the first and principal sign permitted for any establishment.
      (14)   "Secondary sign" means the second and subsidiary sign permitted for any establishment.
      (15)   "Auxiliary entry sign" means a small wall sign intended to mark the entrance to an establishment.
      (16)   "Mural or pictorial sign" means a sign that contains no text, merely pictures or other graphic representations.
      (17)   "Directory sign" means a sign that identifies individual enterprises that occupy the building or which are served by the entrance where the sign is located.
(Ord. 8497-1998. Passed 12-1-98.)
   (e)   Classification by Structural Types.
      (1)   "Wall or panel sign" means a sign integral with the exterior face of an exterior wall of a building, or attached to the wall, or parallel with the wall and projecting not more than eighteen inches therefrom.
      (2)   "Window sign" means a sign painted, attached or affixed to the interior or exterior surface of windows or doors of a building.
      (3)   "Projecting sign" means a sign, other than a wall sign, erected on the outside wall of a building and which projects out at an angle therefrom.
      (4)   "Canopy sign" means a sign attached to the soffit or fascia of a canopy, a covered entrance or walkway or to a permanent awning or marquee.
(Ord. 2856-1968. Passed 5-14-68.)
      (5)   "Free-standing sign" or "ground sign" means a sign that is not connected or attached to any other structure and is anchored or permanently fastened in its location. This type of sign shall be erected perpendicular to any street or roadway. Such sign may be supported by a single pole or other type of base structure.
(Ord. 8497-1998. Passed 12-1-98.)
      (6)   "Roof sign" means a sign erected upon and completely over the roof of any building.
(Ord. 2856-1968. Passed 5-14-68.)
      (7)   "Portable sign" means a sign not anchored or permanently fastened in its location or is a type intended to be readily transported from one location to another.
(Ord. 4530-1974. Passed 2-28-77.)