(a)   Intent. A U-3B Office Building District and regulations are established to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
      (1)   To provide, in appropriate and convenient places, sufficient area for the development of office buildings, public buildings and institutions;
      (2)   To provide a desirable setting for such development;
      (3)   To minimize the interference to the flow of traffic along major arterial streets by requiring parking and regulating access driveways, and
      (4)   To protect adjacent residential areas by restricting the type of use and by requiring yards and buffer features along common boundaries.
   (b)   Regulations. Buildings and land shall be used and buildings shall be designed, erected, altered, moved or maintained only for the uses specifically set forth as permitted in a U-3B Office Building District and not for uses enumerated in a prior or subsequent use classification of this Zoning Ordinance unless such uses are expressly permitted.
      (1)   The main buildings or main uses as set forth and permitted shall be the only buildings and uses permitted therein by right. The accessory buildings or uses as set forth shall be permitted therein by right as a subordinate building or use, provided such use is planned and developed integrally therewith and clearly incident thereto and located on the same zoning lot as the main building or use.
      (2)   A building designed and occupied as a residence cannot be occupied in whole or in part by another use unless the building is redesigned to express the new function and reconstructed so that it will fully accommodate the proposed use, and a lot occupied by a dwelling shall not be occupied by any other main use permitted herein or an accessory use other than accessory to the dwelling.
      (3)   Existing dwellings within a U-3B Office Building District shall be construed as a legal nonconforming use and may be continued, extended, altered, enlarged, relocated, moved and maintained subject to all lot area, building area, coverage and yard regulations of the nearest adjoining residential district.
   (c)   Permitted Uses. Buildings and land shall be used and buildings shall be designed, erected, altered, moved and maintained in whole or in part in a U-3B Office Building District only for the uses set forth in the following schedule and regulations:
      (1)   Main buildings and uses permitted. 
         A.   Office buildings.
            1.   Administrative; executive; financial; governmental; professional, including medical laboratories and clinics; public utility; real estate.
            2.   Sales offices, provided only samples are displayed or stored on the lot and provided no goods shall be distributed therefrom.
         B.   Assembly halls: nonresidential, religious, educational or civic institutions.
         C.   Mortuaries.
      (2)   Similar main uses. Any other office or use not listed above or in any subsequent use classification may be permitted, if determined as similar by the Planning Commission.
      (3)   Accessory uses permitted. Any accessory use which is incident to the main uses, provided it is planned and developed integrally with the main building and that it has no injurious effect on the adjoining Residential Districts, such as:
         A.   Storage garages, off-street parking areas for employees and customers as set forth and required in Chapter 1125;
         B.   Maintenance and storage facilities if provided within the main building or buildings; employees' lunch rooms;
         C.   Construction signs, professional nameplates, business directional and building indentification signs.
   (d)   Lot Area and Width Regulations. All buildings and land within a U-3B Office Building District shall be used, and buildings designed, altered, erected, moved or maintained in whole or in part only in accordance with the following regulations:
   The minimum width of any lot within any U-3B Office Building District shall be not less than 135 feet; however, if the new use is proposed to be developed on a parcel adjoining an existing use permitted in subsection (c) hereof, the lot width may be not less than seventy-five feet, provided that it shall be not less than required to accommodate the main buildings and uses, the accessory buildings and uses, the on-site circulation system and the parking and loading facility requirements of the U-3B Office Building District.
   (e)   Lot Coverage Regulation. In U-3B Office Building Districts, the land area occupied by the main or accessory buildings shall not exceed thirty percent of the total area of the parcel exclusive of areas used for drive-in facilities and their required drives.
(Ord. 2783A-1967. Passed 11-10-67.)
   (f)   Yard Regulations. 
      (1)   Front yards. All buildings and parking areas within an Arterial Office Building District shall be set back not less than thirty feet from the planned future right of way of every public street. Such yards shall be landscaped or paved and maintained in good condition.
   Where parking is designated in front of a building, the minimum setback shall be increased to eighty feet.
(Ord. 4324-1972. Passed 1-15-73.)
      (2)   Side yards. Each lot or separate development shall provide at least one side yard of not less than twelve feet in width unless the on-site circulation, parking and loading facilities are coordinated with adjoining developments and set forth in a joint agreement. Where buildings are not built along the property line, the minimum side yard shall be twelve feet.
      (3)   Side yards on corner lots. All buildings and parking areas located upon a corner lot within a U-3B Office Building District shall have yard facing upon the side street of not less than ten feet.
   Where any corner lot abuts any residential district along any rear lot line, the minimum side yard within fifty feet of such residential lot shall be setback from the side street a distance equal to the setback of a main building on the abutting residential lot.
(Ord. 6823-1986. Passed 4-29-86.)
      (4)   Rear yards. Wherever an Arterial Office Building District adjoins a residential district along a rear lot line, the minimum distance between any business building and the rear lot line shall be not less than twenty feet, provided that the construction of the rear wall of a business building may be permitted along the rear property line if such wall shall be of approved masonry, contain no projections or openings and does not exceed six feet in height above the grade of the residential lot.
   Wherever a U-3B Office Building District abuts a residential district along the rear lot line, business buildings, drives and parking areas shall be screened from the residential district by a buffer zone conforming to the requirements of Section 1121.28 and a buffer wall conforming to the requirements of Section 1121.30.
(Ord. 6902-1986. Passed 12-23-86.)
   (g)   Height Regulations. The height of any main or accessory building within an Arterial Office Building District shall not exceed thirty-five feet.
   (h)   Application; Conflict. The existing sections of the Zoning Ordinance shall continue to apply specifically to U-3B Office Building Districts unless they shall be inconsistent and in conflict therewith, in which case such section or sections shall not apply.
(Ord. 2783A-1967. Passed 11-10-67.)
   (i)   Prohibited Uses. Any type of establishment defined as "adult entertainment" in Section 1121.021 is prohibited in a U-3B Office Building District.
(Ord. 6823-1986. Passed 4-29-86.)