1121.10 REAR YARDS.
   (a)   In a Residence District every main building shall have a rear yard, the depth of which shall not be less than twenty percent of the average normal depth of the lot, nor less than fifteen feet, except for any building more than two and one-half stories in height, such depth shall not be less than one-half the height of the building, but need not be more than thirty feet. One accessory building of no more than 200 square feet may be permitted. The accessory building shall be located in the rear of the lot, and shall be placed a minimum of 18 inches from the side yard line and five feet from the rear yard line.
(Ord. 7170-1988. Passed 9-6-88; Ord. 8898-2002. Passed 5-8-02.)
   (b)   In any district any portion of a building used as a residence shall be provided with a rear yard, open and unobstructed for the full width of the lot and of a depth equal to that required for other rear yards.
(Ord. 4092-1971. Passed 3-27-72.)
   (c)   Open ornamental fences or retaining walls may be permitted on, or approximately on, a property line along a rear yard to a height not over six feet above the natural grade. However, barbed wire and other fences hazardous to the safety of the inhabitants in the adjacent areas are hereby prohibited. Along any lot line between a residential and nonresidential use, a closed fence must be constructed by the nonresidential user, whether such land is developed or undeveloped, which fence shall not be under six feet above the natural grade. All fences of any type shall be constructed with the support posts facing the property owner installing the fence.
   Fences and structures to enclose tennis courts and other game areas may be permitted over six feet high if located at least twenty-five feet back of the building line, and if constructed of steel wire or mesh at least ninety percent of which is open to air and light.
(Ord. 6476-1983. Passed 12-6-83.)
   (d)   In any Use District every building not used exclusively for residence purposes, or as an accessory thereto, erected on an interior lot and extending back to an alley, or on a lot at the intersection of a street with an alley and having a portion of such building abutting on such alley, shall be provided with adequate space on such lot for the loading and unloading of trucks and commercial vehicles serving such building. Such loading space, unless otherwise adequately provided for, shall include a rear yard space extending not less than fourteen feet in height above the grade of the alley and twenty-five feet in depth back from the alley line. The loading space requirements may be modified or waived by the Planning Commission on application in case of a bank, theater, assembly hall or other building of similar limited loading space requirements.
(Ord. 4092-1971. Passed 3-27-72.)