(a)   No taxicab company shall operate any taxicab on any street within the corporate limits of the City except in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
   (b)   No taxicab company shall begin to operate or continue to operate any taxicab for the transportation of persons over any of the streets of the City without first being licensed by obtaining from Council a certificate, as hereinafter provided.
   (c)   Every taxicab licensed under the provisions hereof shall have the name of the owner thereof plainly printed in a conspicuous place on each side of the taxicab.
   (d)   Taxicabs licensed by other municipalities may deliver passengers from outside the City to any point in the City. Such taxicabs shall not pick up passengers in the City for transportation in the City or beyond without full compliance with all provisions of this chapter.
   (e)   Present certificate holders may continue to operate in the City subject to the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 1417-1953. Passed 2-24-53.)