(a)   All equipment used in installations for which a permit is required shall meet the applicable standards of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., and/or another recognized industry standard. The applicant may be required to submit evidence of the reliability and suitability of the equipment to be installed before a permit may be issued or thereafter.
   (b)   The sensory mechanism used in connection with such devices, shall be adjusted to suppress false indications of intrusion, so that the devices will not be actuated by impulses due to transient pressure change in water pipes, short flashes of light, wind noises such as the rattling or vibrating of doors or windows, vehicular noise adjacent to the installation or other forces unrelated to genuine alarms.
   (c)   All components comprising such a device shall be maintained by the owner or lessee in good repair to assure reliability of operation.
   (d)   Each alarm system installed shall be provided with standby battery power which shall automatically and immediately take over in the event of a power failure.
   (e)   Each alarm equipment supplier shall be required to notify the Safety Forces Dispatch Center prior to conducting any tests upon any alarm system whereupon such test would cause emergency information to be received by the Safety Forces Dispatch Center.
   (f)   Each alarm equipment supplier that sells or leases an automatic protection device which is installed on any premises in the City shall furnish instructions for the operation and maintenance of such device to the purchaser or lessee.
   (g)   Each alarm equipment supplier shall also furnish the Chief of Police with a copy of the instructions as to the way the device operates. If the Chief of Police finds such instructions to be incomplete, unclear or otherwise inadequate, he may require the alarm equipment supplier to have the same revised to meet his approval. The supplier, upon approval, shall distribute copies to persons for whom installations of such devices are made. Each supplier shall submit proof that such instructions were reviewed with the owner (business or residential) of such property in which the alarm is to be installed and they or their employees have to be trained in the operation of such alarm.
   (h)   Each alarm equipment supplier that sells or leases to a person an automatic protection device which is installed on such person's premises in the City, for which device a permit is required, shall provide for receiving calls for service, directly or through an agent, on a twenty-four hour basis-seven days a week, and shall have the ability to respond to such calls at the time they are received.
   (i)   At the time of installation, each alarm equipment supplier shall furnish to the person for whom an automatic protection device has been installed, written information as to how service can be obtained at any time, including the telephone number to call for service, and such person shall be responsible for having the device repaired as quickly as possible after he learns, either from his own sources or from notification by the City, that the device is not working properly.
   (j)   The Chief of Police or any officer designated by him shall have the authority, at reasonable times and upon oral notice, where possible, to enter upon any premises within the City to inspect the installation and operation of an automatic protection device or signaling device, the purpose of which is to report an emergency to the police station. Refusal to permit entrance shall be grounds for revocation of the permit. Such officials may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for a warrant to enter under circumstances where the owner or person in charge refuses or neglects entrance, or is absent, to inspect the equipment. Where there is insufficient time to reasonably obtain a search warrant, the Police may enter the property to abate a nuisance or conduct a required investigation.
   (k)   All equipment referred to in this chapter shall be maintained in good operating condition. The Chief of Police may require that repairs be made whenever he has determined that such are necessary to assure proper operation.
(Ord. 9523-2008. Passed 11-18-08.)