(a)   An application for an alarm system permit shall be made in writing by a person having control over the property in which the alarm system is to be installed and operated. Such application shall be made to the Safety Director on a form designated by him or her for that purpose, on which the applicant shall set forth:
      (1)   The name, address and telephone number of each person in control of the property;
      (2)   The street address of the property on which the alarm system is to be installed and operated;
      (3)   Any business name used for the premises on which the alarm system is to be installed and operated;
      (4)   Whether the alarm system is or is not a local alarm and the type of emergency for which the alarm system is designed;
      (5)   The name of the person or alarm system business which installed or will install the alarm system;
      (6)   The names, addresses and telephone numbers of at least two persons, or of an alarm system business, who or which has agreed to:
         A.   Receive notification at any time;
         B.   Come to the alarm site within thirty minutes after receiving a request therefore from a member of the Police Department, unless an approved Knox Box is installed, in which case the thirty-minute response requirement is waived;
         C.   Grant access to the alarm site and deactivate the alarm system is necessary; and
   (b)   The Safety Director shall issue a permit to the person in control of the property upon submission of an application therefore in accordance with this section and upon payment of a permit fee in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00) unless the Safety Director finds that any statement made in the application was incomplete or false.
(Ord. 9523-2008. Passed 11-18-08.)