Operation Generally
331.01   Driving upon right side of roadway; exceptions.
331.02   Passing to right when proceeding in opposite directions.
331.03   Overtaking, passing to left; driver's duties.
331.04   Overtaking and passing upon right.
331.05   Overtaking, passing to left of center.
331.06   Additional restrictions on driving upon left side of roadway.
331.07   Hazardous or no passing zones.
331.08   Driving in marked lanes or continuous lines of traffic.
331.09   Following too closely.
331.10   Turning at intersections.
331.11   Turning into private driveway, alley or building.
331.12   "U" turns restricted.
331.13   Starting and backing vehicles.
331.14   Signals before changing course, turning or stopping.
331.15   Hand and arm signals.
331.16   Right-of-way at intersections.
331.17   Right-of-way when turning left.
331.18   Operation of vehicle at yield signs.
331.19   Operation of vehicle at stop signs.
331.20   Emergency or public safety vehicles at stop signals or signs.
331.205   Stop signs on private roads and driveways.
331.21   Right-of-way of public safety or coroner's vehicle.
331.215   Driving while approaching stationary public safety vehicle and certain other vehicles with caution.
331.22   Driving onto roadway from place other than roadway; duty to yield.
331.23   Driving onto roadway from place other than roadway; stopping at sidewalk.
331.24   Right-of-way of funeral procession.
331.25   Driver's view and control to be unobstructed by load or persons.
331.26   Driving upon street posted as closed for repair.
331.27   Following and parking near emergency or safety vehicles.
331.28   Driving over fire hose.
331.29   Driving through safety zone.
331.30   One-way streets and rotary traffic islands.
331.31   Driving upon divided roadways.
331.32   Entering and exiting controlled- access highway.
331.33   Obstructing intersection, crosswalk or grade crossing.
331.34   Failure to control; weaving; full time and attention.
331.35   Occupying a moving trailer, fifth wheel vehicle, or manufactured mobile home.
331.36   Squealing tires, "peeling", cracking exhaust noises.
331.37   Driving upon sidewalks, street lawns or curbs.
331.38   Stopping for school bus; discharging children.
331.39   Driving across grade crossing.
331.40   Stopping at grade crossings.
331.41   Vehicles used for advertising prohibited.
331.42   Evasion of traffic control signal or device.
331.43   Littering from motor vehicle.
331.44   Wearing earplugs or earphones prohibited.
331.45   Texting while driving prohibited.
331.46   Use of electronic wireless communication devices by minors or probationary drivers while driving prohibited.
331.99   Penalty.
   See section histories for similar State law
   Obedience to traffic control devices - see TRAF. 313.01
   Operation of bicycles and tricycles - see TRAF. Ch. 373
   Operation of motorcycles and motor-driven bicycles - see TRAF. Ch. 375