The Police and Fire Departments shall be maintained under the civil service system.
(ORC 737.11).
The Director of Public Safety shall classify the service in the Police and Fire Departments in conformity with the ordinance of Council determining the number of persons to be employed in the Departments, and shall make all rules for the regulation and discipline of such Departments, except as otherwise provided by law.
(ORC 737.13)
In case of riot or other like emergency, the Mayor may appoint additional patrolmen and officers for temporary service in the Police Department, or additional firemen and officers for temporary service in the Fire Department, who need not be in the classified list of such Departments. Such additional persons shall be employed only for the time during which the emergency exists.
(ORC 737.10)
(EDITOR'S NOTE: For the suspension of police and fire personnel, see the City Charter, Section 8.07.)
(EDITOR'S NOTE: For the suspension of the Police Chief or the Fire Chief, see the City Charter, Section 8.07.)
(a) Appointment. The Director of Public Safety is hereby authorized to appoint not to exceed twenty-one school guards. They shall perform the duty of guarding school children, who are crossing thoroughfares at intersections assigned to such guards, as required by the Director of Public Safety.
(b) Hours and Substitute Replacement. School guards appointed by the Director shall serve such hours as required by the Director in order to provide the necessary protection for children of the City. If it becomes necessary that a school guard will be absent from their post, they shall report it to the Police Department in advance. The Police Department personnel shall contact and assign a relief guard for the duration of such absence and shall compensate the relief guard for the time that they worked with moneys deducted from the compensation for such school guards for such absent time from duties as is taken.
(Ord. 7540-1991. Passed 1-15-91.)
(c) Compensation. Compensation of school crossing guards shall be fixed by Council.
The Safety Director shall also be the Air Pollution Control Officer of the City.
(a) The Safety Director shall have as one of his duties the control of air pollution in the City. The Safety Director shall receive no additional compensation for carrying out these duties.
(b) Among the duties of the Safety Director shall be:
(1) Supervise the execution of all laws, rules and regulations pertaining to air pollution as provided in the air pollution ordinances of the City.
(2) Institute complaints against all violators of any provisions of air pollution ordinances of the City and institute necessary legal proceedings, either personally or through his representatives.
(3) Issue and have served upon violators orders requiring the repair of equipment or abatement of conditions not in compliance with air pollution ordinances.
(4) Compel the prevention and abatement of air pollution or odors or nuisances arising from air pollution.
(5) Examine and approve or disapprove the plans for fuel-burning, refuse- burning, process and control equipment to be installed, constructed, reconstructed, altered or added to.
(6) Make inspections of and test existing and newly installed equipment subject to the air pollution ordinances to determine whether such equipment complies with the ordinances.
(7) Investigate complaints of violations of the provisions of the air pollution ordinances and make inspections and observations of air pollution conditions. Records shall be maintained of all such investigations, complaints, inspections and observations.
(8) Approve or reject applications for permits and administer the issuance of certificates of operation, notices, waiver citations, permits and other documents required under the provisions of the air pollution ordinances.
(9) Prepare and place before Council for consideration proposals for additions or revisions to this section or other rules and regulations pertaining to air pollution.
(10) Encourage voluntary cooperation by persons or affected groups in the preservation and restoration of the purity of the outdoor atmosphere.
(11) Collect and remit to appropriate City officials fees collected for certificates of operation for permits.
(12) Work with other City agencies for the purpose of coordinating activities for the common Municipal good.
(13) Conduct tests and make studies of air contaminants whether or not controlled by specific limitations of the air pollution ordinances.
(14) Do any and all acts which may be necessary for the successful prosecution of the purposes of the air pollution ordinances and such other acts as may be specifically enumerated herein.
(Ord. 4763-1975. Passed 5-6-75.)
(a) Appointment and Term. There are hereby created the positions of nine full-time Clerks in the Safety Department. Such Clerks shall be appointed by the Director of Public Safety in such complements to satisfy the requirements of the Department.
(Ord. 7721-1992. Passed 6-3-92.)
(b) Duties. Clerks in the Safety Department shall perform those duties and responsibilities required to operate the Dispatch/Records Center, and other duties and responsibilities as prescribed by the Chief of Police.
(Ord. 8956-2002. Passed 11-19-02.)
(c) Compensation. The compensation for the Clerks in the Safety Department shall be fixed by Council.
(Ord. 7054-1987. Passed 8-18-87.)