(a) Creation. Effective July 1, 1974, there is hereby created the position of two Legal Interns who shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and Director of Law.
(b) Compensation. Compensation for Legal Interns shall be fixed by Council.
(c) Reimbursement. The City shall be reimbursed by Cleveland State University for eighty percent (80%) of the Legal Intern's wages, pursuant to a grant from the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare.
(Ord. 5783-1980. Passed 7-1-80.)
(d) Duties. The duties of the Legal Interns are those duties that shall be assigned to them by the Mayor and Director of Law.
(Ord. 4456-1973. Passed 7-30-73.)
(e) Hours of Work. The hours of work shall be such as are promulgated from time to time by Federal regulations and by the regulations of the law school attended by the Legal Intern.
(Ord. 4300-1972. Passed 10-3-72.)