   (a)   With the exception of the head of the Division of Engineering, and any other appointive position specifically exempted by this Charter or by the Council, every Councilman or other officer or employee in the unclassified service of the City shall have been for at least one (1) year prior to his election or appointment and during his term of office or employment shall continue to be a resident of the City, and with respect to elected officials shall be qualified electors thereof. In the case of the Mayor, and the President of Council, they shall have attained the age of twenty-five (25) years prior to assuming such office.
   In addition to the foregoing, no person shall be eligible to be a Ward Councilman unless he shall have been a resident and qualified electors of such ward for one (1) year immediately prior to his election or appointment and must remain a resident of said ward during his term of office.
   In the event, however, that through redistricting of the City, a person, without changing his residence, becomes an elector of a new ward, he shall be considered to have met the residence qualifications of the new ward, if he would otherwise have been qualified in his former ward except for the redistricting.
   (b)   No elected or appointed public official or employee of the City shall be directly interested in any profit or emolument from or on account of any contract, job, work or service with or for the City, and any such contract in which such person is or may become interested in shall be void.
(Amended November 8, 1977; November 6, 2001)
   (c)   No Councilman or other elected officials or appointed officials shall hold any other public office with the City of Brook Park, or be employed by the City of Brook Park; provided, however, that nothing herein shall preclude public officials or employees from serving on Boards and Commissions of the City, where such service is prescribed by the terms of this Charter.
(Amended November 8, 1983)
   (d)    No person who shall have been convicted of a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude shall be eligible to hold elective public office in the City.
   (e)   A corporation, firm or individual(s) contracting to furnish professional service of any kind to the City shall furnish to the City an affidavit to the effect that they are in no way interested in any income paid by private funds that could be construed as a conflict of interest as defined by Ohio Revised Code, Section 2921.42 and all subsequent sections.
(Amended November 8, 1977)