The Director of Public Safety shall be the head of the Office of Public Safety, and shall be appointed by the Mayor with the concurrence of a majority of the members elected to the Council, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor.
(Amended November 8, 1983; November 6, 2001)
The Director of Public Safety shall make all necessary rules and regulations for the government of the Office and the departments thereof. He shall be charged with the duty of enforcing all police, fire, safety, building, zoning, health, and sanitary regulations that may be prescribed by ordinances or resolutions of the City, or, when applicable, the Constitution and the general laws of the United States and the State of Ohio. The Director of Public Safety shall perform such other duties, consistent with his office, as may be required by this Charter, by ordinance of the Council, or as directed by the Mayor.
(Amended November 6, 2001)