In addition to the requirements of M.S. §§ 349.11 through 349.22, inclusive, and rules adopted pursuant to the authority contained in those statutes, lawful gambling is subject to the regulations set forth in the following divisions:
   (A)   Except as provided in this division, it is unlawful to disseminate in the city, in any manner, information concerning any present or future lawful gambling event of opportunity.
      (1)   An organization conducting lawful gambling, duly licensed or otherwise allowed pursuant to the statutes and rules referred to in this section, may disseminate information to its own membership about such games.
      (2)   Signs advertising bingo, a raffle or a pull-tab distribution are regulated pursuant to the provisions of the applicable sections of this code.
      (3)   Advertising and news reporting contained in newspaper, radio and television media available to the general public of more than one municipality and addressed to the general public, and not addressed to the residents of Brooklyn Park, is exempt from the provisions of this section.
   (B)   Pull-tab operations.
      (1)   Pull-tab operations may not be conducted on any premises other than a church, a licensed bingo hall, the premises of a fraternal, veterans or other non-profit organization, or the premises of an on-sale liquor licensee of the City of Brooklyn Park.
      (2)   To be licensed to conduct pull-tab operations, any organization or local subdivision thereof, must meet all the following requirements:
         (a)   The organization or the local subdivision has been in continuous existence holding meetings and conforming with the requirements of this subdivision for more than one year prior to the approval of the license; and
         (b)   Pursuant to M.S. § 349.213, 75% of the net profits of any Brooklyn Park pull-tab distribution will be spent in the City of Brooklyn Park or on items or activities that will directly benefit citizens of Brooklyn Park. For purposes of this division, the term NET PROFITS means all monies received from pull-tab purchasers minus amounts spent for necessary and statutorily allowed expenses related to the pull-tab distribution.
         (c)   The term TRADE AREA means all that area described below: City of Brooklyn Park, and all contiguous cities and the City of Minneapolis.
      (3)   A pull-tab operation at a licensed bingo hall may only be conducted by the same organization that is simultaneously conducting the bingo event.
      (4)   Any one organization may hold three licenses within the city.
('72 Code, § 491:15) (Ord. 1988-597(A), passed - -; Am. Ord. 1990-644(A), passed 2-26-90; Am. Ord. 1994-699, passed - -; Am. Ord. 1994-765, passed 7-25-94; Am. Ord. 1999-895, passed 3-22-99; Am. Ord. 2000-927, passed 6-26-00) Penalty, see § 10.99