(A)   When the conduct of any license holder or their agent, representative, employee or lessee or the condition of their motion picture establishment is detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare as to constitute a nuisance, fire hazard or other unsafe or dangerous condition and thus give rise to an emergency, the Building Official has the authority to summarily condemn or close off such area of the motion picture establishment.
   (B)   Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Building Official to cease business or revoke or suspend the license or permit is entitled to appeal to the Council, immediately by filing a notice of appeal with the Manager. The Manager must schedule a date for hearing before the Council and notify the aggrieved person of the date.
   (C)   The hearing must be conducted in the same manner as if the aggrieved person had not received summary action.
   (D)   The decision of the Building Official is not voided by the filing of such appeal. Only after the Council has held its hearing will the decision of the Building Official be affected.
('72 Code, § 426:45) (Ord. 1979-296(A), passed 7-23-79)