(a) All trucks, trailers and semitrailers transporting freight or other property and passing through the City shall not be permitted to use the following streets:
Southfield Avenue, from Ridge Road west to North Amber Drive;
Woodhaven Avenue, from Ridge Road west to North Amber Drive;
Plainfield Avenue, from Ridge Road west to North Amber Drive;
Brookside Drive, from Ridge Road west to North Amber Drive;
North Amber Drive, from Memphis Avenue north to Brookside Drive;
Dellbank Avenue, from Ridge Road west to Parkside Drive;
Meadowbrook Avenue, from Ridge Road west to Parkside Drive;
Orchard Grove Avenue, from Ridge Road west to Parkside Drive;
Tauton Avenue, from Ridge Road west to South Parkside Drive;
Hammond Avenue, from Ridge Road west to South Parkside Drive;
Wefel Avenue, from Ridge Road west to South Parkside Drive;
South Parkside Drive, from Memphis Avenue south to Wefel Avenue;
Outlook Avenue, from Ridge Road west to South Amber Drive;
Glencoe Avenue, from Ridge Road west to Brookwood Drive;
Traymore Avenue, from Ridge Road west to Brookwood Drive;
Ira Avenue, from Ridge Road west to Brookwood Drive;
Brookwood Drive, from Biddulph Road south to Ira Avenue;
Rockland Drive, from Memphis Avenue south to Woburn Avenue;
Newberry Drive, from Memphis Avenue south to Woburn Avenue;
West 66th Street, from Ridge Road east to Woburn Avenue;
Glencoe Avenue, from Ridge Road east to Pelham Drive;
Traymore Avenue, from Ridge Road east to City limits;
Ira Avenue, from Ridge Road east to City limits;
Vandalia Avenue, from Ridge Road east to City limits;
Archmere Avenue, from Ridge Road east to City limits;
Northcliff Avenue, from Ridge Road east to City limits;
Delora Avenue, from Ridge Road east to City limits.
(b) Appropriate signs shall be placed upon such streets at each end of the designated limits, which signs shall state that trucks, trailers and semitrailers are prohibited from using such streets within the City limits.
(a) Except where route direction signs indicate otherwise, all commercial vehicles of the tractor-trailer type shall remain in the right-hand lane of all streets and highways within the City, except when such lane is obstructed, and no operator of any such commercial vehicle shall pass another vehicle proceeding in the same direction.
(b) For the purpose of this subsection (b), the word "truck" means every motor vehicle designed and used to carry property wherein the overall length of such vehicle, including a trailer, if any, is in excess of twenty feet, or any truck-tractor.
The operator of a truck shall not follow another truck more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard for the speed of such vehicle and the traffic upon and condition of the street or highway. Except when the truck ahead is stopped by a traffic control device or by a police officer, it shall be prima-facie unlawful for any operator of a truck to operate the same so that there is less than 300 feet between it and any truck ahead.
(Ord. 1962-76. Passed 11-26-62.)
(a) No person shall operate any truck, trailer, semitrailer, bus or commercial tractor upon any street or highway within the City under the conditions specified in Section 337.02, unless there is carried in such vehicle, except as provided in subsection (b) hereof, the following equipment, which shall be of a type approved by the Ohio Director of Transportation:
(1) At least three flares or three red reflectors or three red electric lanterns, each of which is capable of being seen and distinguished at a distance of 500 feet under normal atmospheric conditions at nighttime;
(2) At least three red-burning fusees, unless red reflectors or red electric lanterns are carried; and
(3) At least two red cloth flags, not less than twelve inches square, with standards to support the same.
(b) No person shall operate, under the conditions stated in Section 337.02, any motor vehicle used in transporting flammable liquids in bulk or in transporting compressed flammable gases, unless there is carried in such vehicle three red electric lanterns or three red reflectors meeting the requirements stated in subsection (a) hereof. In any such vehicle no flares, fusees or signals produced by a flame shall be carried.
(ORC 4513.27)